Posted on Aug 4, 2016
PVT Intelligence Analyst
This is not just for me but future teaching soldiers how to do their best during ruck marches.
Posted in these groups: Imgres Physical TrainingRucking logo Rucking
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Responses: 19
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
Edited >1 y ago
Get back to work before I tell CSM Dow that you are on RallyPoint instead of analyzing the enemy situation!

- Your ruck sack straps should be adjusted so the ruck sits high on your shoulders.
- You should fasten your kidney pad belt around your waist and connect the chest strap in front. When you hop up and down there should be very little if any movement of the ruck.
- Your boots should be well broken in and not tied too tight.
- Wear your black dress socks or pantyhose stockings under your green socks.
- When you walk you should take full strides and "lock" your knees as you step, especially going up hill. This will help keep your quads from becoming tired or stressed.
- Walk heel to toe, if you tip toe your calves will get tired or cramp.
- hydrate a couple days prior to rucking and ensure you drink water during the ruck.
- If you are carrying a weapon use a two or three point sling. Lay the sling over your shoulders with the weapon to your front. You can lean into the weapon a little and it will give you some counter balance.
- Eat banana the night before and take one with you on the march. The potassium in the banana will help fight cramping and give you energy.
- Don't think about rucking, let your mind go to your happy place and just put one foot in front of the other.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
>1 y
Excellent, CSM (Join to see)!
SSG Drew Cook
SSG Drew Cook
>1 y
I don't think there's much more to add here. I stopped running when I got out, but I kept rucking! I guess everyone does.
SGM Mikel Dawson
SGM Mikel Dawson
>1 y
I will add only couple more things to CSM (Join to see)'s list. When you put your pantyhose stocking on under your greensocks, throw some foot powder in the greens before putting them on. I only carried Alice, so never has the new rucks, but with Alice I'd lean slightly forward so the weight of the pack doesn't pull you backwards.
CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
6 y
CSM (Join to see) Nail on the head. Great advice rright there Rallypoint. * miles or less you can typically get by with minimal prep. the 12 miles and beyond, you need to really prep. balance, equipment, socks, boots, nutrition (both before AND during), and some of the best advice: go to your happy place!! If you think about your shoulders- they'll hurt. Think about your feet - they'll hurt, think about how much you hate rucking - that little voice is gonna tell you to quit. Just listen to music, think about a class you would give if you could, pretend you're in the shower and have all those arguments that you now know exactly what to say. Bring baby food, pedialyte/cut gatorade, and just walk, drift into your place, and Boom you're done.
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SGT Writer
Edited >1 y ago
Learn to pack the ruck (hint: heaviest to the top and closer to the body)
Learn to configure ruck and tighten securely (hint: tape and S-fold)
Learn to wear with AND without kit
Understand how to run,jog, and walk with ruck
Polyester socks and gold bond extra strength
Athletic aftermarket (ie. Sof Sole) insoles
Comfy, durable, and athletic boots
Always have pogey-bait and full camelback or two
Have multitool
Consider bandana under ACH or PC for sweat (i'm bald)
Learn ways to better access and secure mentioned tools
Think of it as HIIT (interval traiing)

Let me know if you want more.
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SGT Training Nco
Great question. I think some of the most obvious I have found are:
Pack high and tight
Good boots
Good socks (extra socks)
Sugary snack for every 3 miles or so
Don't actually run during the's called the Airborn "shuffle" for good reason.
Lean forward going up hills
Take down hill slowly
Find a good beat to a decent paced song. Sing this song if you find yourself slowing down to get back on pace
Lastly....embrace the suck. The glorious suck of ruck marching.
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