Posted on Jul 13, 2014
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
Watching movies about World War II and hearing stories you see Army grunts low crawling through pig intestines and blood to prepare to go fight. We currently have Medical Simulation Training Centers (MSTC) that have blood spurting out as you try to stop the bleeding, etc.

As far as realistic training do you think that we are moving forward or backwards or even steven on how we train all of our Soldiers.
Posted in these groups: Train2 Training
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Responses: 2
CPT Public Affairs Officer
Sir, we are going backwards. We are not training for the potential asymmetric environment at all, and we are very short on working the manuever side of the house. Heck, we are barely maintaining proficiency in our MOSs.

With the current global political climate, we could face a force on force foe from many avenues that would return us to manuever warfare. However, we will not stop working in an asymmetric environment either. Africa will continue to be a hotbed. Iraq is heating up quickly and with their purported threat to extend into Saudi Arabia, we really may be facing something that borders between the two if we find it neccessary to return to Iraq.

I know we can not train for every contingency, but we need to learn from the past and train for the widest arrangement possible. We have the possibility to mix manuever with asymmetric just like some of the training completed at NTC and JRTC.
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Col Squadron Commander
Edited 10 y ago
This is a good question and topic Capt Maurelli. I don't think there is a good substitute for real training in the realistic environments such as crawling in mud with drill sergeants shooting over your head. But for medic training we use a pretty realistic trauma mannequin that has amputations with spurting blood and pneumothorax. And the bleeding doesn't stop unless you put a tourniquet on it. I think the hardest challenge is to keep it as realistic as possible while reaching the training objectives. I think that it medical simulation needs to be reinforced with field training exercises that allow the trainees to utilize what they learned in simulation.
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
LTC (Join to see)
10 y
What is your opinion, Sir?
Col Squadron Commander
Col (Join to see)
10 y
Sorry for the delayed response , my internet connection cut out.
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
LTC (Join to see)
10 y
Sir, must have been on a Army network...
Col Squadron Commander
Col (Join to see)
10 y
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