Posted on Aug 2, 2016
SGT Ronnie Warford
Alright let's get this out of the way first, I have never had an issue passing an apft. I currently have a valid apft that I took 2 months ago. A 232 which wasn't my best but it is what it is. Long story short our CO has a memo out stating every soldier must score a 250 or higher or take the apft every month(which not all the soldiers do) but it's the rules. Anyways I take pcs leave in 3 days and was notified a few hours ago that I had an apft in the morning. I already had made an appointment to get my vaccinations for overseas duty that morning. I notified my PSG and got a no excuses answer. So just asking is this really necessary? Let's not bash anyone here. I'm being respectful I just want some others input and maybe there is something I can do.
Posted in these groups: P542 APFTAr Army Regulations
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Responses: 19
SGM Erik Marquez
Edited 6 y ago
While Id rather see a command team focus on a positive approach to increased physical fitness as well as an understanding the APFT is not physical training nor is an arbitrary 250 a magical number that all those who achieve it are somehow leadership superior.
That said, there is no regulatory restriction keeping your commander from wasting his company's time with monthly APFT's
If he would speak to and trust his MFT, or if he does not have one, a nother units, or barring that, ask him to contact me, I'd happily explain why the APFT is not a muscular fitness or endurance building event, not a aerobic improving event, nor is its use as a negitive reinforcement a great way to company fitness.

As you PCS soon, Id say, suck it up, go take the APFT, smile and move on.
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SSG Jeremy Sharp
Lead by example, show up, don't gripe and kick the crap outta that APFT! You can do this. It is not an illegal order so execute it!
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CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR
There is something that you can do find out the location of the APFT and report and execute the PT test. Is everyone treated the same way? Remember you are a Soldier....come on now and make it happen
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