Posted on Aug 1, 2016
SPC(P) Infantryman
So I got out in February from the Guard and turned in all my gear and equipment, well the Reserves recently dragged me back in kicking and screaming and I am heading to a 3 week AT shortly, but they don't have time to issue me any of the TA-50 before we leave. Thankfully I have acquired much over my years and have pretty much everything needed, but I wanted to ask if there were any hard regs on things like the camo pattern on personal pouches. I have my own tan IOTV and several tan/multicam/black pouches that can go on it, as well as an OD green 3 day ruck sack I will be bringing. Obviously my unit understands this is all my own stuff and it's not my fault that I don't have all that ACU crap they issue, but I would like to stay in regs as much as possible.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 19
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
This is craziness. I would show up in the uniform you have and not bring any of your own personal gear. The state need to provide you with the equipment you need to accomplish the mission. Something seems to be missing in the story.
SPC Cavalry Scout
SPC (Join to see)
7 y
We've had soldiers 6 months no gear is actually common, heel there is one soldier over 2 years
SPC Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
If you show up with what they issued you for a 3 week AT, your gonna be sol
SSG Jack Lewis
SSG Jack Lewis
4 y
The specialists stated "the Reserves recently dragged me back in kicking and screaming." That's not the state. The NG is run through state command, but Reserves are federal troops.

Concur with showing up with what you're issued, not what you think you should have. Supply needs to do their job if command expects you to do yours.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
4 y
I agree with CW5 Foreman. You shouldn't have to bring your own gear and if the unit wants you on the training they can probably jump though hoops to make it happen. That being said if you call their bluff you might get left with the white cell which some soldiers would probably like. I'd prefer to train with the unit so I'd probably communicate with the unit to try to get them to get you TA-50 and fill in gaps from your collection as necessary.
As for camo pattern I'm fairly certain ACU on TA-50 is still authorized per an ALARACT which I bet your supply SGT could better speak to. If your CoC is ok with your mixed pattern stuff and you're ok with wear and tear on it then I'll contradict myself and say sure why not.
Maybe I was wrong but when I was a PL I had new soldiers bring dark color civilian winter gear so they didn't get stuck behind and miss important training that we couldn't conduct often. That training consisted of flying or fixing UAVs in the "field" but nothing that would tear up their personal gear.
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SGT Beau Thomas
Bring rain gear, and a sleeping bag no matter what. Or you might just be wet with no bag. I was in a Guard unit in Utah and we didn’t have cold weather gear for a ton of the new guys because our Supply Sergeant was a dirtbag. We went to the range for rifle qual and it was about 20 degrees with the wind howling and we insisted these guys bring any coats from home they had. About ten civilians coats were on the range including a bright blue Chicago Bears jacket. A BG happened to come by and was irate when he saw this..when we explained that the troops have been asking for winter gear for a year and didn’t get anything, the BG turned his anger to our supply Sergeant. Every single soldier who needed it had winter gear issued by RFI within the next 3 hours.
SGT Beau Thomas
SGT Beau Thomas
7 y
I meant CIF, not RFI.
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SPC Team Leader
First off, like others have said, yeah don't bring your own gear. I mean, we all acquire stuff over the years; just because I own a really nice sleeping bag for hiking/camping doesn't mean the Army can obligate me to bring it to the field.

To answer your original question though, there's no specific reg that I've ever read that outlines camo pattern-matching with TA50. Typically that's a local policy, if anything, and even more commonly it's just an unspoken implied task that everyone look as uniform as possible. Given your situation, I sincerely doubt anyone will give you grief over mismatched patterns.
LTC Detachment Commander
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth - Not so lucky in the Reserves, TA-50 doesn't come from a local CIF ford us, it gets mailed, for the individual Soldier. The only way there could be some extra TA-50 laying around is if another Soldier hasn't signed for their issue yet, in that instance you could sign for it.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - That's a bugger that they don't have a local CIF. Then I forgot that Reserves are funded by the Regular Army, Guards by the state.
SPC Andrew Gilsey
SPC Andrew Gilsey
>1 y
the supply sgt in my last unit would give you his gear if things were missing when you turned things in. he also tried to keep extra items as long as he could just for times like yours. at one point i had 2 complete issues of ta-50 because active duty did not think that national guard could properly equip their soldiers, plus i had all the old green ta- 50. that was a lot of gear to try and keep track of while deployed to afghanistan
Nicole Williams
Nicole Williams
8 y
I am looking for the regulation on the issue of uniforms to reserve soldiers. Have been in my current unit for more than 6 months. Supply sgt says she can't order it. Looking for a time frame it was to be ordered. I am to go to ALC soon and have nothing but the uniforms I have purchased no TA-50
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