Posted on Dec 8, 2013
There needs to be a RallyPoint ribbon for my uniform for influence score milestones.
Much like the NCOPD ribbon with numbers.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 19
Candy Alkaabi
I always found it very funny when a guy with very little to his name in ribbons and honor tries to one up the guy that could open a shop he has so many ribbons! It also reminds me of the little peeon that thought it was ok to try and one up the plain cloths person at the shop to find out it was a general comming home from a leave of abscense.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
Could be done like a patch for the
Utility uniforms .. maybe for that field jacket you kept.. I had my 1st field jacket that followed me all the way from BMT.. when I was leaving Travis AFB, the hospital sadness’s clerk said they wanted it turned in.
He showed me they had issued it to me, I went and dug out my initial issue receipt for all my 1st uniforms. 1SGT and Cmdr ruled in my favor..
they also noted the clerk before the one we had, had altered the squadron jacket and said they had issued my field jacket, and rain outfit <~I still had .. that guy was out after his 4 years.. I commented did he still have his inactive reserve commitment on record? Not worth it, Some p.o.’d fed magistrate who had his fish’g Vacay ruined to pass decision would rule in the x-clerk’s favor to p.o. The gov’t. When I returned to duty In ‘80 after the TDRL was over, I did receive a new field jacket then.. (I checked to make sure it was NOT a ‘lease’. What the Hospital. At Travis insinuated) Anyway The additional PME classes and NCO academy (via correspondence) I went to all gave me additional credits via AFCOmmCol I used toward my local College transcript for not having to do certain credits..
I know that’s not part of this convolt but thought worth bringing up. Like you and others in both services have these awards in your jacket.. they are worth credits in your Army College program and AF Airmen have in their Comm college.
Navy has their college program too to use some of their classes for credits. So take advantage, it saves $$$.. when taking classes. VA gave me s^*t on some of my classes I wanted and I showed them a trade off on credits I had from CommCol of the AF that I was saving them $$ on (like phys. Ed: $300 for 3 credit hrs!. I had 3 credits from AF for p.t.
I could use, and and a Civics class, another $300 for 3credit hrs. And my OJT time was worth 6 credit hrs against apprenticeship related books.. 6 credit hrs mucho $$$!).
So I got to get some other classes in a trade-off that used less money and same credit hrs. .. My VA counselors said I worked the system.. I said I got classes I could actually draw benefit from than taking redundant classes for credits I had already.. another was a math class .. another $300 for Hrs.
I got to take a Foods related acc’t’g class w/o taking the regular acc’t’g class I needed before taking the Food Svcs acc’t’g class.
Whatever credits Vets can use for trade-offs to take classes they can use but would normally have to pay for because they are “optional” to a degree they should search their college programs in the military to make sure they are documented as they go along in the service. Even if they may NOT use them. .. I dragged this out as far as I could. It’s probable it may be edited for brevity .. and relevance..
Utility uniforms .. maybe for that field jacket you kept.. I had my 1st field jacket that followed me all the way from BMT.. when I was leaving Travis AFB, the hospital sadness’s clerk said they wanted it turned in.
He showed me they had issued it to me, I went and dug out my initial issue receipt for all my 1st uniforms. 1SGT and Cmdr ruled in my favor..
they also noted the clerk before the one we had, had altered the squadron jacket and said they had issued my field jacket, and rain outfit <~I still had .. that guy was out after his 4 years.. I commented did he still have his inactive reserve commitment on record? Not worth it, Some p.o.’d fed magistrate who had his fish’g Vacay ruined to pass decision would rule in the x-clerk’s favor to p.o. The gov’t. When I returned to duty In ‘80 after the TDRL was over, I did receive a new field jacket then.. (I checked to make sure it was NOT a ‘lease’. What the Hospital. At Travis insinuated) Anyway The additional PME classes and NCO academy (via correspondence) I went to all gave me additional credits via AFCOmmCol I used toward my local College transcript for not having to do certain credits..
I know that’s not part of this convolt but thought worth bringing up. Like you and others in both services have these awards in your jacket.. they are worth credits in your Army College program and AF Airmen have in their Comm college.
Navy has their college program too to use some of their classes for credits. So take advantage, it saves $$$.. when taking classes. VA gave me s^*t on some of my classes I wanted and I showed them a trade off on credits I had from CommCol of the AF that I was saving them $$ on (like phys. Ed: $300 for 3 credit hrs!. I had 3 credits from AF for p.t.
I could use, and and a Civics class, another $300 for 3credit hrs. And my OJT time was worth 6 credit hrs against apprenticeship related books.. 6 credit hrs mucho $$$!).
So I got to get some other classes in a trade-off that used less money and same credit hrs. .. My VA counselors said I worked the system.. I said I got classes I could actually draw benefit from than taking redundant classes for credits I had already.. another was a math class .. another $300 for Hrs.
I got to take a Foods related acc’t’g class w/o taking the regular acc’t’g class I needed before taking the Food Svcs acc’t’g class.
Whatever credits Vets can use for trade-offs to take classes they can use but would normally have to pay for because they are “optional” to a degree they should search their college programs in the military to make sure they are documented as they go along in the service. Even if they may NOT use them. .. I dragged this out as far as I could. It’s probable it may be edited for brevity .. and relevance..
Candy Alkaabi
SSgt Boyd Herrst - its always a sad day when they try to take someones things that they worked hard for. My daddy had a rather nice field jacket for years, he may still have it. No one should ever try to take those, it is like asking that person to strip naked and run through the streets in their all togethers. I am glad you won in the end, my grampadid too and had his uniform and a gun they issued to him for years. He went into the Korean war a boy and came back a man.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
Cynthia Croft
S’thing for snuggling by the fire when doing ‘Rallypoint’ (maybe get special Velcro slippers for those of Cynthia’s gender, eh?)..
S’thing for snuggling by the fire when doing ‘Rallypoint’ (maybe get special Velcro slippers for those of Cynthia’s gender, eh?)..
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