Posted on Jul 24, 2016
SSgt Ryan Jones
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 3
Biba Etuhc
the enlistment process and quilfied medically at the Memphis meps but moved to Las Vegas before new recruiter did a meps to meps transfer and already got back the electronic transfer. But they said i can't enlist till They receive the original copies..does anyone know how long on average those usually take?
It's been two weeks already
Sj Rodriguez
Sj Rodriguez
8 y
For you, how long did it actually take?
SPC Jeffrey Tamayo
SPC Jeffrey Tamayo
>1 y
Facts how long did you wait for that transfer
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How long did it ended taking?
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How long did it take Biba Etuhc
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SFC J Fullerton
Test scores and data pull in the MIRS system, changing the MEPS ID, should only take less than 24 hrs, although they have 72 hrs. It is the hard copy of the physical that takes time. That too, should only be 72hrs, but it requires a person to pull it from the files room, and put it in a Fed Ex envelope. They have to have the hard copy of the physical for you to assess. But you can "DEP in" to the active component on a copy. Pittsburg has to fax or email a copy to Cleveland, mail the hard copy. The hard copy is required to ship to training or assess into a RC.
SSgt Ryan Jones
SSgt Ryan Jones
>1 y
Thank you very much. Your answer is greatly appreciated.
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CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR
I know when I was recruiting that was back in 98-2002 it would happen within 72 hours and 1 week tops
SSgt Ryan Jones
SSgt Ryan Jones
>1 y
thank you very much.. I was going into the air force as prior service. I had taken my asvab and physical with them. Prior service is very hard to enter in as I am sure you know. Now I am entering the Coast Guard. They have no PS program it is just enlist and go to boot camp again. My Meps was previously in Pittsburgh, PA now I am getting my info transferred to Cleveland. Would it take longer than that? Or should a week be at most? And what is all sent over?
CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR
CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR
>1 y
They will transfer all of your information. Its called a SPF change. Service Processing For. So for sure your ASVAB scores and physical profile. So you have to go to basic training again. The challenge is the recruiters are not motivated to push because you may be prior service. So a gentle push and reminder will help you out.
SSgt Ryan Jones
SSgt Ryan Jones
>1 y
Yes the Coast Guard requires boot camp again which was surprising to me being prior Navy. Thank you very much that is very helpful. Do you think I would be treated any differently in basic due to my prior service?
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