Posted on Jul 11, 2016
Sgt Tom Cunnally
1. Change Our National Policies
2. Local & Community Leadership
3. Better Communications between neighborhoods
4. None of the Above will work
5. Don't know and/or don't care
Posted in these groups: Racism logo Racism
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 17
MSG Pat Colby
An entire Generation was raised with a chip on their shoulders. They were taught that they are entitled to free everything. The family unit has been dismantled. There is little to no personal accountability. People that never were slaves are demanding restitution from people that never owned slaves. SNAP and Section 8 is now a perfectly acceptable lifestyle and actually gives more money to someone than an actual job would provide..

What will it take?

Total anarchy in the streets. Entire cities burned and trashed. Total financial system collapse.

Only then will people re-learn that self-sufficiency and a good work ethic is the only way to survive.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
We could start by setting up the minimum wage so that working pays significantly more than the safety net. Make it so that working doesn't disqualify you from having free health care.

Total anarchy in the streets and entire cities burned means tens of millions of dead Americans. Dead cops, dead soldiers, dead desperate people who were trying to feed their children, dead children... and there is no guarantee that the new government would be any better than the old.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Mike Mikulski - The world has changed, and millions of American workers have no option but to opt for service industry jobs. If someone is going to work to help a corporation earn billions in profits, then they can be paid at least $15 an hour.
MSG Pat Colby
MSG Pat Colby
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - What specifically is a "living wage"? Do you realize that paying $15 an hour for entry level positions means their Supervisor should be paid more than some schmuck flipping burgers? If their Supervisor gets more money, then the Shift Manager should get more money than the Supervisor. Of course With all these people making big bucks, that means the Assistant Store Manager should get paid more. Now we have the Store Manager needing a raise as well. FFS! THAT's how we all end up paying $14 for a freaking hamburger. Now everyone needs ANOTHER raise so they can pay for a hamburger.

And just where in The Constitution does it state that everyone gets free health care? Who pays for the laborers that make tongue depressors? Who pays for the receptionist making appointments? The Nurses? The Doctors? What is THEIR time and expertise worth? Who pays for the electric bills? Heat? Telephones? Computers? They should work for free while a fucking fry cook get $15 an hour?

Economics. Simple math.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
>1 y
Why can't the left get it through their heads that raising the minimum wage does nothing except increase the price of goods and services? Who will hurt more when the price of those goods and services increases? The same people they are trying to help and the middle class because the middle class will not get any significant bump in pay. They will actually get less because more will be going out.

Not to mention, service businesses like McDonald's are already looking at kiosks and line robots. Companies will not eat the cost of a mandated wage increase, they will pass it on to the consumer. Who benefits when their job is given to a robot and less service industry jobs are available?

And I love the argument that having robots will help them because the service of those robots opens more employment opportunities. That's a laugh, does anyone honestly think the low-skilled worker is going to understand robotics right off the fry line?

Cause and effect!
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SSG Program Control Manager
Edited >1 y ago
1) Recognize that violent crime and police deaths are actually down, despite media hype.
2) Support community policing initiatives, get police to become a part of the communities they are policing. Increase the number of police in high crime areas, get communities and police to work together.
3) Provide better economic opportunity to economically disadvantaged Americans.
4) Improve the education system, more teachers, better teacher salaries, year round school, better breakfast and lunch programs, tuition free college.
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CPT Jack Durish
Edited >1 y ago
Race relations were healing for a time. I guess we'll just have to recreate those conditions that existed in the last four decades of the 20th Century. A healthy economy in which all races are prospering. The elimination of the existential threat that we labor under these days. When people are fearful, they seek comfort in the familiar. Differences are scary. We'll also need leaders who calm and reassure their constituencies.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
>1 y
That is what I have struggling with .. a few strong leaders at the Local or Community levels but who would want the job??

I just hope Obama doesn't appoint Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson who are just stirring things up.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Sgt Tom Cunnally - You really have to wonder. I almost think that we don't want anyone who would want the job. What the hell is wrong with them? Why would anyone put themselves in that position. Even campaigning is demeaning.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - Hey starting some of these discussions is not a walk in the park. I've been called just about everything demeaning and degrading you could imagine. One guy ran of down votes and insults/ put downs so he blocked me which is probably not a bad thing.
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