Posted on Jul 9, 2016
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Since Obama, Trump and Clinton don't seem to have the answers except to play the blame game or pith us against each other. Some think dialogue is the way to go from here??
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Edited 8 y ago
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Responses: 17
HN Hospital Corpsman (Hm)
No matter what the presidents say it's up to each individual on how they portray and act. It doesn't matter who says what is who's fault. Each individual that creates and act of hate it is their fault. My opinions on cops or blacks or whites will NOT CHANGE ONLY MY OPINION ON THE ACT OF EACH INDIVIDUAL BY THERE OWN ACTIONS WILL BE MY JUDGEMENT ANYONE WHO DOES OTHERWISE IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICA WE DONT NEED TRUMP OR HILLERY WE NEED EACHOTHER
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
8 y
Thanx Ma'am for your comments and for being a Corpsman.
HN Hospital Corpsman (Hm)
HN (Join to see)
8 y
You are welcome! Thank you for being a bad ass. Hoorah!
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
8 y
HN (Join to see) - I'm NOT a bad ass but bad asses will not mess with me .
Sgt Field Radio Operator
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SSgt Jim Gilmore
Up is a good direction. We cannot get much lower than we are at this moment. I am quite sure Dr. King's dream did not involve killing of cops. We have to start by teaching children to RESPECT others.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
8 y
Good point we also have some who blame Obama. But how does that help with the racial divide in this country??
Some think dialogue is overrated but I am not so sure. I suggested a strong leader but who? Clinton?? Trump?? Powell?? Dr C. Rice?? How about a military person?? The military has had to deal with this issue since 1947 when Truman ordered the Armed Forces be integrated. We had some serious issues at Camp Geiger in 1956 but back then dialogue and putting the issues on the table helped. Why can't we apply the same model to today's racial crisis which may be on the brink of exploding this summer.
SSgt Jim Gilmore
SSgt Jim Gilmore
8 y
Well he certainly must take his share of the blame along with a lot of others on BOTH sides of the aisle. There is no doubt the state of race relations in the U.S. has decayed severely in the last few years. We have generations of folks of different ethnicities that have grown up with no "adult supervision" per se. We have now over 3 generations of residents that have no damn clue how to properly raise a child. We have allowed our morals to decay to the point where some are asking, What are Morals? The mentality of ME, ME, ME has to be eradicated. All this topped with a total lack of leadership at all levels of society.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
8 y
We did have a few who tried and had some success. One was Ray Flynn the Mayor of Boston and one of my good friends although he flunked out of BC High and went to Southie. Ray did some good things for Boston and Tom Mennino carried the torch. But the Mayor we have now is all talk and no action or too afraid to be Politically Incorrect.
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Sgt Tom Cunnally
Leaders om the streets who are stroking the flames are making racial issues worse. I don't believe prayers, love, or false promises are the answer either. I grew up in Boston after WWII & Korea when I thought a racial crisis was on the brink but somehow we got through that period ok. But not sure about today????
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
8 y
Alan K. - I remember but that was mostly in Southie.
Alan K.
Alan K.
8 y
Sgt Tom Cunnally - But it could be anywhere now...
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
8 y
Alan K. - We are now a melting pot with a lot of hatred and racial animus that is being stirred up by Black Lives Matter and other Nutjobs on Social Media....Checkout some of the recent Blogs and you will be disgusted . Some think that Dallas was awesome and are praising the Sharpshooter for killing five and wounding seven police officers.
MSG Mechanic 2nd
MSG (Join to see)
8 y
i grew up just north of southie, had many friends who left just to get away, it was a bad time
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