Posted on Jul 7, 2016
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Edited 8 y ago
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Responses: 31
CPT Jack Durish
According to the Director of the FBI, she most certainly did. In his report of the investigation the FBI found that she did not turn over all documents (which she said under oath that she had) and she stored and transmitted highly classified documents on her unsecure server (which she claimed under oath that she had not). There were other similar instances of perjury. Will she be found guilty of perjury? That remains to be seen. Her husband was, but you may have missed the news inasmuch as the judgment in that trial was never well publicized, was it?
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SGT Destiny Klaric
She committed perjury, yes, and there are already rumors circling around that some pitbull prosecutor from South Carolina will attempt to go after her (I have to do further research on this to verify). What I found intriguing this evening on Fox News was the USMC Maj, who was discharged over sending 1 email of classified information to warn his fellow brother in arms of life threatening danger, is going back to court to appeal the decision under the new "Clinton Law". Interesting to see how this one gets handled...
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SFC Alfredo Garcia
Edited 8 y ago
My issue is that even though Comey is an impressive individual, he did a grave mistake. He just set a new precedent for all future rule/reg/law breakers. He focused on intent, or lack of intent, on why he did not recommend indictment. He also cited based on that issue that she may have been partially or completely ignorant to some aspects of the dangers by exposing potential secrets. The Dems focused on 3 out of 30,000 emails that had confidential material (of what they found); however, they also forget to note that 100% of those emails, the server itself, etc were not supposed to be on her private residence; she knew this and lied about it as well. This is similar to a girl saying she is SOMEWHAT pregnant; you either are or you are not. Did she SOMEWHAT break the law? She either did or she did not. Now I did not intend on driving 45 in a 35, but since I did not INTEND to speed, I should be let off. This is now the precedent that comes as the standard bearer due to all this. It does not matter that I have driven this road over and over for the past 7 years. Maybe, I even knew I was doing 40 but not 45 so I only SOMEWHAT broke the speed limit.

If HRC is the person that the people want as for their next Pres so be it. With lie after lie. She DID tell the truth to her daughter, even foreign nationals on the Benghazi issue but blatantly lied to the citizens of her own country. We are clearly, in her eyes, not deserving of anything from her. She lied under oath repeatedly, she lied to us, when is it that she starts telling the truth? After it is too late?

Please don't be surprised when she continues her lies from the oval office.
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