Posted on Jun 28, 2016
GySgt Carl Rumbolo
Posted in these groups: Images SecurityInternet privacy Privacy2dcac4a3 RallyPoint
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Responses: 5
Nick Petros
Jumping in here, thanks for the question! We use Act-On and a number of systems to communicate with our membership. Personal data collection is done directly through RallyPoint's own software (you fill out your profile or our registration form). We don't use any third party to 'mine' data on our membership. These softwares help us figure out how members are using the network, and to send them emails.

GySgt Carl Rumbolo in the case of Act-On, email communications is our primary use. When you create an account on RallyPoint, that's one of the systems that sends you a welcome message.

We aren't selling your information to anyone. If someone wants to advertise to you, we'll post ads here on RP (which you're free to click on or ignore), or send you an email (which you're free to click on or ignore). In fact, the only way any of your profile information gets out to an advertiser is if you expressly send it to them through one of the tools our Careers center. Most of you have never even been to our Careers center so that's not happening very frequently. If you don't initiate that send, everything remains on lock down.

There are a number of other services we use that I'm happy to shed light on if anyone's interested in learning. Our founders are both veterans, and our CEO is still with the Special Forces - security and privacy are at RallyPoint's core. Thank you!
GySgt Carl Rumbolo
GySgt Carl Rumbolo
>1 y
Thank you for the follow on explanation - I certainly understand why companies use web analytics - but was curious about that one particular tracker. Ghostery turns most of the off ...:)
SGT Writer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
I'm interested in learning more. I want the geek-tails.
Nick Petros
Nick Petros
>1 y
GySgt Carl Rumbolo Good call with ghostery! Great testing and safety tool too! I use it to make sure our things are live.

SGT (Join to see) Connect with me if you want, i'll answer any questions you have. There are millions of geek-tails....
GySgt Carl Rumbolo
GySgt Carl Rumbolo
>1 y
I spend a significant amount of my professional life as well as personal time digging into information security aspects of things - lately been spending way too much time dealing with ransomware and malware on the computers of family and friends - education goes along way. :)
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Cpl Jerry Millar
If you are concerned about tracking, I suggest you donate your cell phone to the Atlantic Ocean ;)
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CPT Russell Pitre
I think it has something to do with those UN armored trucks!!
GySgt Carl Rumbolo
GySgt Carl Rumbolo
>1 y
Actually, it's about the black helicopters and chem trails..... and the ongoing conspiracy to activate the mind control nanobots that every child since the 1950s has been injected with as part of the whole vaccination effort
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