Posted on Jun 27, 2014
MAJ Laurie H.
Thanks to the input of several of our Member Administrators we are publishing our first RallyPoint Regulation. We expect this document to be extremely helpful not only to our Member Administrators, but also to anyone who uses the Answers forum and want to see RallyPoint become an increasingly valuable resource for all service members and Veterans.

As always we welcome any and all feedback and suggestions for changes. This is a living document and the latest version will always be available on our share drive.

** Updated 09 December, 2014**
RP 3-1, Proper Participation and Use of the RallyPoint Answers Forum:
Posted in these groups: 2dcac4a3 RallyPoint
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Responses: 18
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Edited >1 y ago
1LT Deitmeyer,

The document is a little long with no distinction between petty issues and major issues. Maybe a one to three page executive summary hitting the high points would be helpful.

This could be in the form of ten to twelve commandments ". . . thou shalt not . . . ."

It might help to proofread the document - for example: RP RP Reg. 3-1 (27 June 2014) 3-2 " . . . Questions within the same them . . ." maybe meant to use the word "theme" ?

RP Reg. 3-1 (27 June 2014) 7-4(f) "Members will not post links to any illicit material." Question: What kind of illicit material is intended to be covered? The OED defines illicit as "Not authorized or allowed; improper, irregular; esp. not sanctioned by law, rule, or custom; unlawful, forbidden." Maybe use of the word illicit might be a little vague? Some examples?

Maybe there should be some mention of copyrighted material restrictions. Also a definition with examples of what may be considered "fair use" on this website.

Finally if a high ranking (multiple star) administrator edits something - it might be a good idea to note at least the posting was edited and maybe who edited the posting so that the sentiments of high ranking administrators are not mis-attributed to the original user.
MAJ Laurie H.
MAJ Laurie H.
>1 y
Great feedback Sandy, thank you.

The typo has already been fixed. The regulation is a little long, but it is meant to be comprehensive, and will likely get longer as we get more feedback and RallyPoint adds features - I'll look into an executive summary or something similar that highlights the major points. I think that would be helpful for everyone!

A couple people have commented regarding the language referencing illicit/vulgar/obscene language etc. so we'll be sure to add some clarity there.

Right now there are no notifications in place when member administrators make changes or remove content, but we already have a solution to that in the works.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
10 y
Sandy can I say Hello Nurse? "Animaniacs"
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10 y
X hellonurse
CPT Pedro Meza. Welcome back from Pashtu land!!! I'm so glad you returned intact!!! Anyone who put their life on the line . . . particularly in your highly exposed manner . . . can say anything anytime to me. Warmest Regards, Sandy
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
10 y
Sandy, Thank you Pashtu land is an interesting land because it takes one back centuries, but will admit that the team gained more ground by medical aid supported by the doctors and nurses such as your self during our MEDCAP missions. I am Humbled.
MSG Wade Huffman
I do believe that we, as a community, have grown to the point where some standard guidelines such as this are needed. Thanks to you and the other admins for putting this together!
MAJ Laurie H.
MAJ Laurie H.
>1 y
My pleasure. Please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions for changes!
MSG(P) Michael Warrick
MSG(P) Michael Warrick
>1 y
I agree that some standards are needed
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CPT Senior Instructor
So when does the power point presentation come out?
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
>1 y
Waiting on you 1LT Rosa! Let us know when its ready.
CPT Senior Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
Don't Dare me. I just might do it.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
10 y
Only an LT would ask that.
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