Posted on Jun 14, 2016
SSG Pete Fleming
Posted in these groups: World affairs logo World AffairsSafe image.php Terrorism
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Responses: 11
Sgt David G Duchesneau
Edited >1 y ago
This current Administration hasn't got a clue? And what about Homeland Security and the rest of the Intelligence Agencies? WTF-Over! Someone in that Administration has to grow a set of balls! We use to be a Super Power and it's time we get back on track and secure our Country!
SSG Pete Fleming
SSG Pete Fleming
>1 y
well said!
SPC Dawud Makonnen
SPC Dawud Makonnen
>1 y
I beg to differ. We spent 10 yrs fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan under the Bush regime what did that do? Did it make us safer? More secure? Or just create more mess? We always talk about this from an American point of view but have you talked to the innocent Arabs who get caught and killed? Nah we don't their narrative isn't important. I have tho and it's just as tragic. Death is death troopers. I'm African American so I know how Americans can "horribilize" a people, a culture; a human soul. Truth is nobody cares about life anymore. We hate violence yet call upon it to resolve our issues. Ask yourself has #WAR really solved anything cuz looks to me like we're still fighting. Peace people stop talking bout the $@!t and be bout it!
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Some interesting comments, but no viable suggestions. This nation has, from the very start, conducted a balancing act between security and individual freedoms. I see so many oppose any and everything the federal government does, and yet, when something like this latest tragedy happens, scream and holler about terrorism and security.
Please explain just what more you want done by the feds. While doing so, let us not forget or ignore the Constitution. Keep in mind there is far more in that document than just the 2nd Amendment.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Made the same comment a few days ago and my comment was construed as being against the Constitution. Quite the opposite, although it does tie our hands, protection of our freedoms is paramount.
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
SSG Pete Fleming The problem with fighting terrorism is that terrorist organizations are localized rather than centralized. Trying to combat that with conventional means is next to impossible. It is like trying to bail out a boat using a soup strainer and McDonald's Straw. You might find some small success, but as a whole it is a losing proposition. I don't think it is a matter of are we taking it serious or not, it is more a matter of finding some kind of acceptable strategy for fighting them.
My personal opinion is that BHO needs to call in his military commanders, and tell them, "Eliminate the problem." He then needs to allow the military to plan and prosecute missions without interference from politicians in any way. Let the Military fight the way they deem it best. This cannot be fought using conventional ROE as this is not a conventional enemy. There is no consideration that Americans taken prisoner by ISIS will be treated humanely as POWs. Therefore we should not treat them as POWs. We should treat them as war criminals, and prosecute them accordingly. If they are sentenced to death, they should be hanged, wrapped in a pig carcass, cremated, and have their ashes dumped in a landfill. Until we are able to fight them in terms that they can understand, they are going to be emboldened by every partial success. If you want proof, one day after the mass murder in Orlando, Paris had two cops killed in an "Isis inspired event." Terrorists only understand one thing. Fear. So instead of letting them spread fear, why don't we make them feel fear. Real fear. the fear that comes from the U.S. Military killing them and everyone they ever knew.
SSG Pete Fleming
SSG Pete Fleming
>1 y
The ideology is centralized, and so is the key leadership.
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