Posted on Jun 14, 2016
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Posted in these groups: Imgres Office of the President (POTUS)
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Responses: 11
Capt Tom Brown
I almost hate to say it but maybe DT is on to something when he says that Pres Obama knows something about the rise of terrorism that we don't. It's been suggested for a long time that BO has sympathetic leanings or a soft spot in his heart for Muslims of all stripes and colors, including (perhaps) the terroristic kind. As such he cannot bring himself to rise above a PC, half-hearted and reticent response to World Terrorism, even to the point of making it a gvt policy to not refer to 'radical Islamic terrorists'. Terrorists do not fear US and certainly do not respect US. With a President like BO they have no reason to do either.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
9 y
Here's Obama's advisor's comment on this question:

Jarrett: Well, first of all, there is nothing more important to the President than the safety and the security of the American people. That’s his focus. That’s his first priority. That’s what he’s dedicated to doing. And many of the countries who are helping us fight terrorism are Islamic majority countries. And let’s look right here at home, where there is a Sikh temple in Wisconsin or a, uh, the Holocaust Museum right here in Washington, D.C. Those were terrorists. Those were extremists, but they weren’t of any particular faith. And so before we start throwing around labels, let’s look more broadly at terrorism. Let’s not limit it. Let’s look broadly at it and let’s attack it together, and that’s what the president is absolutely —
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Cpl Jeff N.
No, I don't. He should be able to easily say we are at war with radical Islamic jihadists. That does not equal that we are at war with islam as a religion. It is not as though you could really even be at war with a religion since a state of war normally exists against a nation state. We would need to be at war with dozens of countries to be at war with islam. Radical islamists have no officially recognized state.

He is starting to look like the guy that refuses, even in the 21st century, to admit the world is round, not flat. His looks absurd doing the verbal gymnastics to keep from saying what we all know to be true.

We are not dropping ordinance and deploying troops against anyone but radical islamists anywhere in the world. He is a weak man of even weaker constitution. He cannot admit the obvious because it does not align with his world view. A true and pure ideologue.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
9 y
One of the many hangups Obama has that most don't like , I guess ? Also much like saluting with a cup of coffee in his hand or passing the buck. What do you expect from someone who has never been seen as a Commander in Chief or a Presidential Leader of the Free World but rather as a president who is in a job way above his level of expertise and capability.

Obama says we are at war with ISIS and will defeat them but yet he hasn't presented his plan to defeat ISIS in Syria except to say he is increasing our role in that war. Whatever that means??
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
Sgt Tom Cunnally Absolutely not ... He should use the term "Radical Islamic Terrorists". His refusal to speaks volumes about where his loyalties lie.
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