Posted on Jun 24, 2014
SFC William Swartz Jr
Went to Ft. Riley last week to visit with my "mini-me" before set off on his first deployment, his BDE is taking over the Kuwait mission from a BDE from 4th ID. Interesting the flood of emotions as I said good-bye to him 11-years after he and the rest of my family did the same thing for me prior to OIF. I am hopeful that with the current situation in Iraq that he doesn't have to "Cross the berm", but I know our Army is well trained and that him being on that 70-ton "Steel Beast", he will be ok. Am just curious if anyone else on here has a son or daughter currently serving that has deployed and if your emotions/reactions were similar to mine.

Young SPC Swartz has redeployed safely along with the entirety of his unit, has undergone the required re-integration period and will be going on leave next week. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers sent his way as well as ours during this deployment, good to know that my brothers and sisters in arms are truly caring, but I already knew that!!!!
Posted in these groups: Imgres DeploymentKuwait flag Kuwait
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 13
SSG Robin Rushlo
My daughter is in the middle of starting a SP career in the Air Force. This si also a great concern and will keep your son in our prayers too.
SFC William Swartz Jr
SFC William Swartz Jr
>1 y
Thank you my brother, and will keep your daughter in our thoughts and prayers also!
SFC Dennis Hatch
SFC Dennis Hatch
>1 y
my son did a navy tour to iraq in 1991 but it was the 2009 tour with the Arizona National Guard that really scared the bajesus out of me. i to am a 17 year veteran Army went to the Nam 68/70 and never gave a second thouhgt of being hurt which i was in Oct 68. we then did not have the freedom of communication and just how quick it can be accomplished. i pray for your son my brother as i pray for every veteran who has a son/ daughter in harms way. Now my Grand daughter who is in the Colorado Reserves is sitting on pins and needles with Iraq getting hot again. i was at Ft Rucker Al as my home base was a CH47D flight engineer.
SPC Charles Brown
SPC Charles Brown
>1 y
Robin, best wishes for you and your daughter as she begins her Air Force duties. My family and I will keep you all in our prayers. God bless you all.

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1SG First Sergeant
My eldest daughter considered joining, but she is has her hands full right now being a mom. My oldest soon is too young, but I have often wondered what it would be like if they followed dear ol'dad into the service. One the one hand I'd be proud, but on the other I won't deny I would feel a bit anxious. But have faith that everything will be alright.
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MSG Floyd Williams
SFC Swartz.......your son will be in my prayers, he will be alright because you laid out the blueprint for him to succeed.
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