Posted on Jun 12, 2016
Will we see any results on the American Heroes COLA Act?
I can report that on June 8, 2016 the Senate veterans committee introduced thetheir version of the American Heroes COLA Act. The Senate bill is called Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2016 (S.3032). This is important because nearly everyone of the Senators on committee signed on to support the bill. And a previous bill passed the Senate unanimously last year. So what does this mean for the things we need to get done concerning pay? It makes it easier for the Senate to incorporate the things we want into the bill while the bill is still in committee. Is the bill ready for you to read? No. The bill hasn't been finalized. What can't you do to get a favorable result? Write your Senators and congressmen to request that these three things: 1. Give service connected disabled veterans a 25% disability pay increase not related to COLA. 2. Make Quality Of Life payments to veterans who have a service connected disability rating of 60% more. Using the disability scale making payments proportional to the veteran's disability rating and allow for back pay three e years for 100% or less and five years for permanent and total disability. Award veterans who have a service connected disability rating of 100% or permanent and total disability who are not receiving any military retirement pay the maximum amount of VA pension. Allowing for back pay three years for 100% disability and five years for permanent and total disability.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
If Senate can't add any PORK BELLY to the bill for themselves, we won't see anything but a dead bill S. 3032.
I find it hard that the Senate will go forward, or that POTUS would sign anything to help veterans.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
The only reason POTUS would VETO something like this is if some legislator tries to add on an adgenda item to it. Which they often try to do to popular bills.
LCpl Timothy McCain
No it won't. The bill is supported by a veto proof majority. And the white house support the bill. But there have been underhanded attempts to tie in things that has nothing to with veterans. That's what usually causes the bill to fail.
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