Posted on Jun 6, 2016
Once a REQ is being build for AI, how long does it take to come on orders?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 2
Once the RQSTE code changes in EDAS to L,I or V, then the AI will come out on the CAP Cycle (Tuesdays). Once from there, the Reassignment Section has 30 days from CAP Cycle (AR 600-8-11) to notify the Unit VIA DA5118 (If the Installation uses it) section does. Then it's up to the Soldier and the S1 to get the Levy Packet submitted. As SSG (Join to see) stated, it also my depend on the report date. Don't forget to look at your SRR, and make sure you don't need to reenlist or extend to meet time requirements.
SSG Aaron Marshall
SSG Cashion, I was told by my career counselor to wait until I came on AI then reenlist for it under option 5 because it will be easier. I'm not sure how true that is but I'm guessing I will know something hopefully on Tuesday? Thanks for your input
Once the req is built and you are pinned to the req you should hit the cap cycle in EDAS shortly after. Your installation will see that you have came down on assignment and notify you, but it also depends on your on orders report date. Hope that helps
SSG (Join to see)
SSG Aaron Marshall - it will populate on you ERB eventually, it will also appear on your ASK tab on AKO once you are on the assignment. Installaion will email your command and S-1so they can inform you
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