Posted on Jun 6, 2016
SPC Engineer Mechanic
Got shot down to receive bah for my son but a sergeant did and I have no paper trail or major mishaps I feel it's because of my rank should I go to my sergeant major ?
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Responses: 51
SGM Erik Marquez
Edited 8 y ago
1st Id suggest you stop worrying about what others did or did not get, you do not know all the background and never will.. So your ability to compare one request and result to another comparison will not be valid and reasonable.
2nd, it's really pretty simple, do you have physical custody of your child? If so, you're entitled BAH, if not, you may still qualify depending on how many days the court order has given you of physical custody. .
BAH for single SM is not authorized unless post wide, single SM housing is filled at 95%or more.
Even if that is met as a limit, as a PFC you're going to be the LAST to get BAH among others with more TIG, TIS, rank and authority.

"When a member is divorced from a nonmember, and they share
joint legal custody of a child, and the ex-spouse is awarded primary physical custody, then the
member is considered a noncustodial parent for the purpose of entitlement to BAH"
SPC Kari Grove Wright
SPC Kari Grove Wright
8 y
SGM Erik Marquez the problem I saw was the finance soldier will take care of the sm. The civilian contractor will not. They will deny them without hearing them out. My unit liked to take care of the sm. We wanted to make sure your pay was straight, that you got what you were entitled to and no more. My ncoic called me about the repayment program, as I was the only soldier they knew getting that when a sm would come in. A civilian, yes, would turn a lower ranking soldier away. My command did not, unless it was for a casual pay and they were closed out already. Never turned a soldier away on pay issues. Matter of fact we were in the s1 shop downrange sm comes in needs help, wife left him and took all his funds. S1 Sgt tells him to leave and not come back until he has a hair cut. He was from outside the wire, came just to handle this issue. This caused a huge argument, as he came to see finance and not s1. The soldier I spoke about that was shorted on pay was a spc, her ssg told her not to worry about those funds. I had to talk to the 1sg myself and ask why the ssg was not allowing her to do what needed to be done to get her pay. Come to find out the 1sg was missing his separation pay as well. Sometimes it's the soldiers leaders that mislead them on pay entitlementstubs. To answer your question no, a soldier should not be turned away because of the clock based on rank. On the other hand I also did not cater to higher ranking. I treated them all the same, as did my unit.
SPC Don Wynn
SPC Don Wynn
8 y
Good job SPC Wright!! My time in all too common office personnel not too accommodating to low level enlisteds.
LCpl Ferdinand Hughes
LCpl Ferdinand Hughes
8 y
Not all civilian contractors are bad. I was contractor for the Army at Fort Eustis at MILPO, dealt mainly with student soldiers. I worked for the Navy as a contractor until I became a GS worker for the Navy. I never turned my back on any sailor or soldier regardless of rank. There are a few bad apples but most contractors are either veterans or married to an active duty member.
SSG Dennis Wood
SSG Dennis Wood
8 y
SPC (Join to see) - If the command is needed to sign off and they didn't then the CSM won't do anything for you. Also, the NCO that you are worried about is probably no solely out because of his child. When I was a CPL I moved off base due to a Policy (don't remember the number, but all policies have numbers) allowed me to move out due to non-availability (we were short on barracks, and NCO's are trusted to move out and pay their bills). If you feel like the NCO is getting over you could always turn him in for fraternization, because it sounds like he is in an inappropriate relationship that is affecting the command. "AR 600-20 4-14b which states, relationships, (both opposite-gender and same-gender) are prohibited if they: -- Compromise, or appear to compromise, the integrity of supervisory authority or the chain of command." Then you guys would both live in the barracks again, he might even be a SPC... Generally it is best to scan your lane. If you were due BAH then your NCO would have got it for you, unless we are talking about the same shit that is pumping you up to go see your CSM.
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SFC Daniel Faires
PFC Blair

I am glad that you as a PFC took it upon yourself knowing that many of the personnel on Rallypoint are Senior to you, that you sought and asked advice from such a diverse background of current and former personnel that have a diverse background.

I Suggest you use your open door policy and like SGM Erik Marquez said get a copy of the policy memo

Now to those that are trying to give him an order to change things

Cmon !! Seriously this was a question asked a while ago!! ( why don't the Junior Enlisted join Rallypoint more !)

The semi direct orders of changing his picture ( to me it's a ridiculous point )

How do you know he hasn't gone through his chain of concern ?

Maybe he wants to use the " open door policy" every senior NCO says they have

I implore all naysayers here to step back and say to themselves " how can I help or advise this Soldier " instead of coming down on him

--Rant over
SFC Daniel Faires
SFC Daniel Faires
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) - If you would care to please share how everything went !!
SGT(P) S6 Communications Ncoic
SGT(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
I'm not disagreeing with your position or comments at all, but be prepared when you go talk to the csm... he's going to ask you if you talked to your chain of command.... i.e... your team leader, squad leader, platoon sgt, platoon leader, 1sg, and company commander. And when you are done talking to him.... he's going to go to all those people and find out what's going on.

So if you have not talked to them, I would do so. And do so respectfully. And don't demand anything from them. Don't even mention the e5 that gets BAH.

Just make sure that they look into it. Tell them you are concerned you should be getting BAH and you are not. That you have a child. Then they will start looking into it, or will send you to the S1 for them to look into it.

In most units, until you are an e5, if you are single, or have no dependent living with you, you will be liv I ng in the barracks. That's just how it is. The army pays for the barracks and they want to make sure they are getting used.

I was in units that even had e5's living in the barracks. But if there was an e4 or below that needed that room, then they would send the e5 off post with bah.

Other people you can go and check with is your unit's legal department. They can help you out with knowing who to talk to and what you should be entitled to as a father.
SFC Medical Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
8 y
SPC (Join to see) - do you have physical custody of your son
SSG Dennis Wood
SSG Dennis Wood
8 y
SPC (Join to see) - how far did you go up your chain of command?
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Oh, one more thing........

You try and jump everyone in your Chain to get an answer from your CSM instead of trying to get an answer at the lowest level possible, not getting BAH will be the last of your worries.
MSgt Michael Smith
MSgt Michael Smith
>1 y
Again...Do you have a custody agreement in place for your child?
SPC Engineer Mechanic
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
The answer was no based on my rank MSG (Join to see)
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) - Then I recommend that you get your hands on that policy (if you have not done so) and read it thoroughly as all your questions may be answered from that policy. But, if the policy is a post wide policy, then there really isn't much you can do. You can try and push for change.....but being Bragg....who knows.
PFC Mark Blankenship
PFC Mark Blankenship
>1 y
SSG, I was thinking the same thing. I hope he's used the The Chain of Command up to the CSM.
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