Posted on Jun 4, 2016
Lt Col Commander
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Responses: 8
MCPO Couch Potato
Not at all. We're finally in an era when people are being questioned about what they say - and when it's stupid, incorrect, or XXXist (racist/sexist/whatever), they are called to the carpet to either explain themselves or to apologize. Not that long ago, we didn't do that - we let commentary slide - and we've finally grown beyond that.
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MSgt Michael Bischoff
Wow isn't that a loaded question!
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
>1 y
MSGT It is a loaded question. Answers all over the place. But i did figure it out. PC has passed it's time in the spotlight. We have gotted so PC that it runs the policys of the military, big companies, about everything. Oh you said that and hurt my feeling or something like that. When you put on big boy pants you have to learn what big boy pant bring with it. Most have got to learn what hurt feeling are and what a butt chewing is. You probably learned that like me. After so long it doesn't hurt your feeling. If I failed an inspection on a peice of equipment I knew whar was in store. You deal with it. I wouldn't call it bigotry.
Lt Col Commander
Lt Col (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes, totally a loaded question. After watching, trump protesters, I wanted to if those people are the new face of hate...that no one sees
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SSG Roger Ayscue
Edited >1 y ago
Political Correctness is foolishness to it's highest level and is deteriorating this country.
People are now "Something"-American. Additionally Everyone that has a "Hyphen" considers his or her hyphen as more important than the "AMERICAN" part. Just that statement, "His or Her" Really, for God's sake is it an insult to just for sake of brevity say "His" as has been the practice in English for eons.
Best example that I can cite is this:
My pastor and his family are from Cape Towne and Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA. They immigrated to the United States. They are AFRICAN BY BIRTH. They are American by choice. When he moved to our city, and registered his children at the local high school the kids listed themselves as "African-American" and despite the fact that they were THE ONLY TWO KIDS IN THE SCHOOL THAT HAD EVEN BEEN TO AFRICA, much less that were BORN there, they were not permitted to register at school as what they were, they are indeed the ONLY KIDS in that school that truly are African American. Today's Left Wing Politically Correct Buffoons DEMAND that we recognize a boy as a girl if he wants to be one, yet two children born in Africa, Citizens of South Africa, and SELF-IDENTIFYING as AFRICANS, are not permitted to be African because they are WHITE. Yes dear reader, being born with a PENIS can not make you a MALE, but being Born with WHITE SKIN can make you NOT an African even if you are born in Africa......Beam Me Up Scottie, there is no intelligent life in Washington DC.
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