Posted on Jun 17, 2014
1SG James Wise
How many of you have transferred all or part of your education benefits to your children? Has this been a benefit you are glad to have? Do you worry you will retire and one of your kids will not use the benefit within the required time frame and it will be lost?
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Responses: 6
CWO3 Health Services Administrator
I have transferred my GI bill to my oldest now attending university. It's great and don't regret this at all. In fact it's like having another scholarship fund with the BAH they get. We save that money an place it into the other children's college funds.
1SG James Wise
1SG James Wise
>1 y
Chief, great idea and awesome children you have that let you place that extra money back into accounts for their younger siblings.

My idea/plan for my two splitting 18 months each is for them to use it for their Junior/Senior years, and save the extra each month to cover months they do not have benefits and whatever else they need it for so they can concentrate on school those two years and not on making ends meet or worrying about a loan after graduation. To sweeten the deal, at age 19 they should be finishing high school/2-years college with their HS Diploma and an Associates Degree in general studies. Figure at worse they'll have to use any extra they have from the GI Bill and College kicker to cover classes in the lower level to satisfy their Bachelor requirements.
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SFC Jeffrey Wade
when I retired and split it amongst my kids and my wife, I was told as long as I give each of them 1 hour then I can move it around later on. I kept one for myself, gave my wife the remaining hours.
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CW5 Sam R. Baker
Was working to split and issue mine out in 2009 or there about. Stalled in the online program at the time, checked the block about 2 months ago and issued it out which now has an ADSO to receive the benefits for them. If the Army allows me to continue service, I should make it, however the wife really flip flops on going back to school. I have a ward son who really needs the benefit, but he doesn't qualify. I can only hope that my youngest daughter utilizes it and I think I should do as suggested up top there by SSG Stephenson and save a little for the transition period. Might want to know more about that process!
CW5 Sam R. Baker
CW5 Sam R. Baker
>1 y
LTC Gross, I got that, but I paid for out of pocket the Montgomery GI Bill and was basically forced to take it, actually strong armed in basic by the LTC and CSM. I was the only person not to elect it when joining in 1987, so eventually they would not let me progress out of basic until I signed the paperwork. I knew I was going to stay in and use Tuition Assistance which I did to earn both degrees. I was never going to use the benefit, thing is, my eldest is in Annapolis, therefore not requiring it, my ward son who badly needs it doesn't qualify, the wife doesn't want to go back to school, so no one will use it anyway. Guess when I retire I will work on a PhD in something.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
CW5 Sam R. Baker
>1 y
On a second thought, my wife and kids all paid a little with my being gone for 5 years on deployments! To say they earned nothing is a bit crazy.......most could not endure such a loss of family for that period of time.
LTC Joseph Gross
LTC Joseph Gross
>1 y
Can't argue with your opinion, I just disagree.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
CW5 Sam R. Baker
>1 y
HOOAH Sir, the reason we serve is for that very opinion, we can all have one! Appreciate your participation and opinion.
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