Posted on May 24, 2016
What if America had eliminated Saddam Hussein in 1991?
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 17
That's a helluva good question and who knows? I'm sure there will be many opinions. But I have a better one: What would have happened had Obama not withdrawn Americans precipitously?
SGT Edward Wilcox
Except that Obama didn't withdraw anyone. The SoF agreement with Iraq that resulted in our pull out was negotiated by Bush's administration. "But, why didn't Obama re-negotiate?" He tried, but came against the same stumbling block as Bush, operational immunity for American forces. Iraqis refused to give, so Obama allowed the original agreement to stay in place.
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agree the sofa got us out, personnally the sofa i served under 08-09, was a death warrent
The shit we are currently dealing with would have lasted a hell of a lot longer?
SPC Charles Griffith
We'd look a lot more like men than the mice we are looking like ATM. I miss my Commander he was a mans man and didn't play fuck fuck games.
RIP Gen. Schwartzkopf.
RIP Gen. Schwartzkopf.
CPT John Sheridan
Then in 2003, we would have stopped at the Euphrates bridges, declared victory, driven back to Kuwait, flown home to victory parades, and set up some no-fly zones. Most likely the Baathists would have killed al-Zarqawi and al-Masri before they got started and al-Baghdadi would still be a quiet loner reading his books in his room by the mosque in Tobchi.
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