Posted on May 24, 2016
Has the Army become too hyper focused on SHARP, online training, suicide prevention, & social experiments that preparing for combat suffers?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 36
We are an army of leaders with nothing to lead. You got to look busy or you are going to get cut. Be the best SHARP OIC you can be!
Yes. Not to say that those things are not important, but we need to remember what our mission is. We are not a Fortune 500 company. We need to be efficient in a different way and using any other company or institution as an example is not going to fit our unique needs. With all that being said (and this is a cardinal sin), I have no solution. It's a very complex organization.
MSG Thomas Currie
Every commander, and every staff officer and NCO are familiar with the need to create a unit-specific METL, sequencing those essential tasks in order of importance, knowing that there is never enough time or resources to train everything. Once you have the task list in proper order, you can allocate training time and resources to those tasks that are most important and most need to be trained.
But before you draw that line, you have to first take your list and bump over a dozen mandatory training requirements up to the top of the list because while marksmanship or tactics might be important, they are obviously not as important as ensuring that every private can balance his or her checkbook and has memorized the latest updated list of words that someone somewhere might consider offensive.
But before you draw that line, you have to first take your list and bump over a dozen mandatory training requirements up to the top of the list because while marksmanship or tactics might be important, they are obviously not as important as ensuring that every private can balance his or her checkbook and has memorized the latest updated list of words that someone somewhere might consider offensive.
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