Posted on May 18, 2016
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Posted in these groups: Iraq war WarfareWorld religions 2 Religion
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Responses: 24
SPC Ammunition Specialist
Well Sir, that is up to interpretation. I have a B.A. in religion from the University of Southern Mississippi, and my personal research indicates that Revelations was a very apocalyptic analogy for the Roman Empire. It wasn't intended for literal interpretation thousands of years later, although it is just about every time elections roll around. The article that you posted doesn't seem to mention religion, but I think any apocalyptic-minded religious leader will see signs anywhere and everywhere.
SPC Ammunition Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
9 y
SSgt Boyd Welch - I would slightly disagree. The secularism that America has fully embraced over the years is not as prominent in other countries. There are many things that people feel they can compromise on, like economics or politics. But if a person is truly religious, that is something that they feel they cannot compromise on because the consequences are more severe than anything in this world. That is what has made religiously-based wars like the Crusades so dangerous. I will agree that a clash of civilizations is probably inevitable, but I believe it will be aggravated if religious issues are thrown in to the mix.
SSgt Boyd Welch
SSgt Boyd Welch
9 y
In Europe, secularism has grown at least since the '70's. Nudity and embrace of the effeminate was obvious in television and in popular society during my years in Britain and other parts of Europe. Not a judgment on my part but rather an observation. Destroy/erode the core/common values, take away the sense of community, take away the sense of achievement and foster hopelessness. Great tools for conquest. Europe embarked on that road, (unwittingly maybe) but now they are being invaded and conquered. Clash of starkly different civilizations.
SGT Project Engineer
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
SPC (Join to see) - said, "The secularism that America has fully embraced over the years is not as prominent in other countries."

I would say that most westernized, industrialized countries are way more secular than USA. The norm in USA is Christian, the norm in Scandinavia is Agnostic/Atheism. Just a FYI, because as secular as USA is - it still quite conservative in its spiritual development.
SPC Ammunition Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
9 y
SGT (Join to see) - That is fair. I still stand by that America is more secular than the majority of other countries, but it would be accurate to say that we are not the most secular. And while you are absolutely right about Scandinavian countries not being overly religious, I think you will find even more countries who have incorporated religion into their society more heavily than America or some of the other more industrialized countries.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Fear Sells Religion, Always has always will. "The End Is Nigh" Key Part of the formation of Several Christian Denominations, Key Part of Jihadi Islamist Extremist Indoctrination.
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SGT Jerrold Pesz
I have no doubt that we are headed towards another major war. We always are and always will be as long as there enough people left to fight one. People have been fighting and killing each other since the beginning and will continue to do so as long as there are two or more people left on the planet. People are animals.
SSgt Boyd Welch
SSgt Boyd Welch
9 y
Edgar Rice Burroughs (author of the Tarzan books) showed animals to be more noble that humans since they fought only for food, self defense and mates. I agree. If we have a major societal collapse in America where food and water supplies are disabled, the "thin veneer of civilization" will be lost quickly. Katrina proved that..
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