Posted on May 17, 2016
Sgt I I Staff
Has anyone or does anyone know someone that has done the 0365 Squadleader option? If so, can you pass some information on the good and bad of the new mos track?
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Responses: 2
1stLt Infantry Officer
I have a Sgt that is a 0365. The good is that they will send you to school upfront-Sgt's course, ISULC and then you'll come out to the fleet with all the knowledge and many of the skills you need to succeed. The Marine Corps is focusing on developing its NCOs and enabling them to provide institutional knowledge within the infantry company.
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Sgt David G Duchesneau
Just wondering, when did this new MOS take affect and why? I mean WTF-over!
Sgt David G Duchesneau
Sgt David G Duchesneau
9 y
PVT James Strait - Shit happens , right Brother? My dad was in the Corps during WWII and he went on RR to Australia. He was an E-5 when he left and he got back late and got busted for being AWOL. Long story short, before he left the South Pacific, he got his E-5 stripes back and then made E-6.
Capt Tom Brown
Capt Tom Brown
9 y
Sgt David G Duchesneau Here is the article from MC Times.
This seems like an excellent program for professional development as well as a route to advancement. In a perfect world it would be really good, but found when the need arose for people to fill open E5 billets, we had to promote inexperienced people we had at the time, just to fill billets. Some rose to the occasion, more did not. There is nothing like an experienced person on hand to fill the job. esp when they have learned the old fashioned way.
Sgt David G Duchesneau
Sgt David G Duchesneau
9 y
Capt Tom Brown - Very well said Capt and I like that one phrase you used, "In a perfect World" which God knows, where the hell is that?
Cpl Casey Meyer
Cpl Casey Meyer
8 y
Wow is all I have to say. The Corps seems to have fallen from its value in nco's and adopted Army policy. Back in the early 00's it was not uncommon to have a Lcpl team leader and a Cpl squad leader. I read the article posted by the Captain, and I believe this is a bad idea. Forget the fact that SSBC attrition rate is (or, at least used to be) roughly 70-75%. They seriously expect just some random Marine to pass these schools? And all for a promotion and re-enlistment bonus? The Corps was willing to give me $32k in '05 to stay in( should've done it but hindsight). I can't fathom the logic other than our beloved Corps is being run more as an enterprise than a fighting unit.
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