Posted on May 14, 2016
Can you measure the success of your leadership abilities?
Responses: 12
My proudest moment as a Company Commander was at Hohenfels Germany at CMTC (now JMRC). I was commanding a Mechanized Infantry Company Team (2 Infantry platoons and one tank platoon). The tank platoon and my command track were taken out by indirect fire. My other two platoons kept moving towards the objective. The O/C actually let me get in his HMMWV and we followed one of the platoons who got in behind the enemy defenses. That meant more to me than other metric. When I rotated out of command, my PLs gave me a plaque with the Hohenfels map and the date this happened. It is one of my prized mementos from my career.
GySgt Ascencion Gomez, D.S.L.
It started when I became a dad, then an NCO, than a DI, a coach, a school teacher and now a college professor teaching leadership. I judged my success by my three sons and how they turned out. No complaints here..
Funniest bit of 'life of brian'
This the funniest bit out of the Monty python film 'Life of brian'
Producing another leader makes you a teacher, not a leader. Although, to be fair, a teacher is a leader. But, don't take my word for it. I'm a terrible leader. A reluctant leader. I find it sad that people need a leader. I find it even sadder when they try to follow me. Often, I have felt like the hapless hero from The Life of Brian... People seem to have lost the ability to lead themselves. It took me many years to understand the problem. People want a leader to take responsibility for their mistakes. They will surrender their individual liberties in exchange for freedom from responsibility. Interestingly, I discovered that was the primary role of a leader, to take responsibility. I was amused to learn in the Army that commissioned and warrant officers wore their rank upon their shoulders to signify that they could bear more responsibility. Enlisted officers wore their rank on their arms because they didn't need to carry as much. Well, once you leave the service you discover that civilians will follow anyone who shows any inclination to take responsibility.
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