Do you believe that your cell phone is yours, and you should be able to control it? Or, as opposed to the above, do you believe that someone should be able to take that phone from you at gun-point, sell it, and then give the money to poor people?
I'm trying to understand the individuals involved in the Socialist movement. I'm not trying to argue, I'm only trying to close the tremendous gap in my understanding of the Socialist agenda.
Thank you for your answers!
I'm trying to understand the individuals involved in the Socialist movement. I'm not trying to argue, I'm only trying to close the tremendous gap in my understanding of the Socialist agenda.
Thank you for your answers!
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 19
Interestingly, in the original draft of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson had penned that our inalienable rights include the pursuit of "Life, Liberty, and Property". Ultimately, sadly I think, he substituted "Happiness" for "Property". It helps if you understand that most people escaped the "Old World" to get a little piece of property for themselves. Yes, I know that most of us were taught they came to America for religious freedom and other purposes, but if you study history, rather than learn to hate it, you'll discover that keeping what you earn was the real driving force then as now. How does this apply to socialism? Actually, it doesn't. Like Bernie Sanders, most people don't have a clue as to what socialism really is. Socialism may be tyrannical as practiced by Nazis and Communists or it may be truly democratic as practiced in some modern European nations (actually not many). Socialism is simply a concept of community or government ownership of the means of production. It was tried in America by the Pilgrims and almost destroyed their colony. They only survived by abandoning it and shifting to a free market economy. No, what the author of this discussion should focus on is the cancerous growth of government. Government can grow and be intrusive without being socialist as is ours (the U.S.). It does not (yet) own the means of production but is attempting to interfere as though it does. A century of this trend (since the Administration of Woodrow Wilson) has seen the decline of the American economy in response to the growth of government intrusion. That is simply verifiable fact.
SSG(P) (Join to see) - Sergeant; Where did you get the idea that "Socialism" involved appropriation at gun point and that "Capitalism" doesn't involve appropriation at all?
SSG(P) (Join to see)
I don't think I ever said, nor conveyed that Capitalism doesn't involve appropriation.
Socialism is backed by government, which is backed by guns. You don't comply, guys with guns come to make you comply or suffer the "consequences". Pretty well known fact.
Socialism is backed by government, which is backed by guns. You don't comply, guys with guns come to make you comply or suffer the "consequences". Pretty well known fact.
COL Ted Mc
SSG(P) (Join to see) - Sergeant; Where did you ever get the idea that Capitalism WAS NOT "backed by government" and that if you didn't comply guys with guns WOULD NOT come to make you comply or suffer the consequences?
It SHOULD be a pretty well known fact that that happens in "Capitalist" countries quite frequently (and the less 'democratic' the country is the more frequently it happens). After all, weren't General Douglas MacArthur and Major George Patton on active service with the US military when they used tanks and cavalry against American citizens (primarily WWI veterans, their wives, and their children) and didn't Richard Mellon tell the US government "You can't mine coal without machine guns."?
It SHOULD be a pretty well known fact that that happens in "Capitalist" countries quite frequently (and the less 'democratic' the country is the more frequently it happens). After all, weren't General Douglas MacArthur and Major George Patton on active service with the US military when they used tanks and cavalry against American citizens (primarily WWI veterans, their wives, and their children) and didn't Richard Mellon tell the US government "You can't mine coal without machine guns."?
Yeah, this question isn't really related to socialism. It sounds more like an attempt to bitch about welfare. But there are lots of things we in the US are forced to pay for that we may not agree with. Should a person with no kids be forced to pay for the education of other peoples kids? Why should they get "free" school instead of each parent having to pay for themselves? Should any government have the ability to order its citizens into military service, against their will, and force them to work as a soldier or fight a war they feel is against the constitution? That's not just paying for something, that's taking over your life. When someone who doesn't pay for health insurance goes to the hospital, should those that do pay have to pay for his coverage through higher premiums? Or should the government require everyone to pay for insurance if they can? Or let's get really personal--since soldiers volunteer to join the military, and no one makes them, should the taxpayers have to pay for their healthcare for the rest of their lives? No other job does that. If privatization is so always so great, why don't we privatize the military? Captialism says that if we have different companies competing to provide our defense, then we would get the best defense at the lowest cost due to competition.
Nothing is a clear cut as if there is a bright shining line between capitalism and socialism, especially as it is addressed in regards to Bernie Sanders being a socialist. Many throw it out as a dirty word, harking back to the USSR versions. But I remember a sign I saw in the video of a Tea Party rally that an old woman was holding that said "keep the government away from my medicare". The irony of that seemed to escape her.
Nothing is a clear cut as if there is a bright shining line between capitalism and socialism, especially as it is addressed in regards to Bernie Sanders being a socialist. Many throw it out as a dirty word, harking back to the USSR versions. But I remember a sign I saw in the video of a Tea Party rally that an old woman was holding that said "keep the government away from my medicare". The irony of that seemed to escape her.
SSG(P) (Join to see)
I have to chuckle about the sign about medicare. That is absolute irony.
I admit, I HATE welfare. I don't believe in it, I don't subscribe to it, I don't trust it, I don't support it, If a civil war started in two minutes over it I would fight on the side to get rid of it. AND I would supply my own weapon, and ammunition (hopefully I have more of a heads up, because I don't have much ammo left. :))
However, my intention was as stated. I'm trying to understand the socialist agenda, and if this isn't part of a socialist agenda, I don't know what is.
Also, I should probably give some sort of a disclaimer saying that the opinions expressed are my own, and not of my respective branch of service, DoD, Government or any other entity, corporate or otherwise other than my own. My own business doesn't necessarily hold the same views or opinions stated in this or any other post of mine.
AND I have no actual intention of waging civil war against the government, the statement was made to convey the passion that I hold.
Hopefully that will suffice.
I admit, I HATE welfare. I don't believe in it, I don't subscribe to it, I don't trust it, I don't support it, If a civil war started in two minutes over it I would fight on the side to get rid of it. AND I would supply my own weapon, and ammunition (hopefully I have more of a heads up, because I don't have much ammo left. :))
However, my intention was as stated. I'm trying to understand the socialist agenda, and if this isn't part of a socialist agenda, I don't know what is.
Also, I should probably give some sort of a disclaimer saying that the opinions expressed are my own, and not of my respective branch of service, DoD, Government or any other entity, corporate or otherwise other than my own. My own business doesn't necessarily hold the same views or opinions stated in this or any other post of mine.
AND I have no actual intention of waging civil war against the government, the statement was made to convey the passion that I hold.
Hopefully that will suffice.
PFC Alexander Oliveira
doesn't matter whether you like welfare or not. your taxes help fund unemployment insurance for those who need it
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