Posted on May 10, 2016
Will Burn Pits be our generations Agent Orange?
Responses: 12
SFC Andrew Dowell I can not speak for all Vietnam Veterans, but It is a long hard struggle with the VA. Burn Pits could be the same kind of struggle.
Thousands of Iraq, Afghan war vets sickened after working at 'burn pits' | Fox News
Thousands of U.S. military personnel who served on bases in Iraq and Afghanistan recall the dense black smoke from burn pits where everything from IEDs to human waste was incinerated.
SGT Philip Roncari
SGT Theodore M. Hallock-you can speak for me I totally agree the VA is going to contest this Burn Pit issue for years,these Military personnel do multiple tours exposed to all kinds of toxic poisons and will probably have to fight as we have for recognition of their sacrifices
Capt Tom Brown
In GITMO w/ 2/8 we used to burn trash and garbage every few days using our flame tank section; it was the only live-fire tankers could do in the confined area of Camp Bulkeley and GITMO itself. Never stationed at a camp or CP in RVN long enough to note waste disposal methods. Our 'docs' were normally responsible for the time-honored tradition of 'roasting s***' on a regular basis. Normally in the field we just trashed the countryside. Inexcusable that American Veterans will have to struggle with the VA and/or DOD over medical conditions from exposure to burn pits as hard as they did to get benefits and treatments resulting from Agent Orange.
SFC Jeffrey Couch
My opinion is that we did our jobs but our command sees us as a number not a multiplier
Most Definitely and probably worse records about what the hell was actually burned and it's Biological Effects. Temp that stuff is burned can change it's chemical properties too.
PO1 Tony Holland
When DOD lawyers get involved it is usually the service members who are going to suffer.
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