Posted on May 2, 2016
PO2 Information Systems Technician
To me it seems like regardless if a female is on Shore or Sea duty people say crap about her if she becomes pregnant. Yes it ends up being worse if she is on Sea duty because there are some people who get pregnant just so they don't have to go out to sea, but that's not always what happened and I still hear people talk about pregnant women who are on Shore duty.
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Responses: 89
CSM Geologist
My thoughts on females getting pregnant while in the military are: well female Service Members are the ones that will have to get pregnant, since the male Service Members just won't do it.
SGT Stacey Nelson
SGT Stacey Nelson
>1 y
If males could get pregnant, many would use it to get out our get out of doing other military expectations. They talk about females "abusing" it knowing if they could, they would.
SGT Stacey Nelson
Col Dona  Marie Iversen
Col Dona Marie Iversen
8 y
PO2 Matthew Ward - Depo REALLY? So ANY women in ANY branch that is an aviator, on mobility status, sea duty should NOT conceive? You need to get your hormone levels check STAT 'cause they are out of whack!
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
7 y
PO2 Matthew Ward - So what do the males have to do to be responsible as well? Where's their mandatory birth control? It takes two for a woman to get pregnant - unless there are some immaculate conceptions going on. Pretty sure it takes a sperm and an egg to create a pregnancy. I don't understand why so many male servicemembers act like women are getting pregnant on their own.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
What are my thoughts? Be a good Mom. That is my thought.
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SSG Jeremy Kohlwes
I can only speak to it from an Army viewpoint. The only time I have an issue with it is when women get pregnant while deployed, because that behavior is expressly prohibited while deployed. Otherwise it's part of being a woman and something we have to accept with women being in the military.
SFC David Pratt
SFC David Pratt
>1 y
Or, both parties can use discipline and not engage in activity that is prohibited. We don't pick and choose what orders we are going to follow and what orders we will dismiss. If a woman gets pregnant on deployment her and the other guilty party need to be crushed.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
7 y
What if the woman got pregnant from her husband who she was deployed with? We had like three or four married couples during one of my deployments. One female went home and her husband stayed (and she lost the baby after she got home). My friend went home early as well. Her husband was in one of the companies and they gave all spouses a 4 day pass to Speicher in 2008-09. She got pregnant there. Went home early and she lost her baby too - after he got home she got pregnant again. Our 1SG her husband showed up at the end of the deployment. Not every female who gets pregnant is just messing around.

Also in 2008 the the restrictions in Gen Order 1 were relaxed. Sexual activities between unmarried servicemembers were no longer banned outright but were "highly discouraged" and as long as they didn't violate UCMJ.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
7 y
SFC David Pratt - Except if she's married and her husband gets her pregnant since that was never prohibited...
PVT Mark Brown
PVT Mark Brown
7 y
I think it should be prohibited. Women have means available to prevent pregnancy. The male service member must also share in the responsibility of preventing pregnancy.
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