Posted on Apr 28, 2016
Can a Soldier who's dependents are not with him stay in the barracks?
I have a soldier that's PCSing and has dependents but they're not able to move with him for now. Can he stay in the barracks for now?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 5
Need more info. If geographically separated due to the needs of the Army (easiest example is a restricted tour) the answer is yes as he is a geographic bachelor. If the decision is based upon a personal decision (wife's job, kid's school, etc) the best the unit can do is stash him for short period. This would be decided by local leadership, but at a higher level isn't supported. The Soldier is paid BAH and his personal choice doesn't justify double dipping and he needs to get his butt out there and get housing. All across the military you have people make the personal decision to leave their family or move them home and that is awesome but the military is not the bill payer for those decisions. The Soldier can also apply for a bah waiver through the Army G-1, if they left their spouse in a higher cost area, but they will need to explain why that decision was in the best interest of the military and not just their own.
For this situation gather your info and engage your support channel to your 1SG.
For this situation gather your info and engage your support channel to your 1SG.
SGM Erik Marquez
CPT Mark Gonzalez Spot on Sir, well done...Thank you for responding to the young Specialist trying to do the right thing as a sponsor. Why do I take the time to make this post? Because in my experience the young Captains often had only two modes... Balls out when in command, and mushroom when on staff.... It was not common to see a CPT reach out and offer help outside thier bubble.. Thank you... Keep it up.
CPT Mark Gonzalez
I guess I probably should just sit back and let the nco's take care of the Soldier questions as I have enough points. Sometimes I think my mind just goes too fast, but I appreciate your compliment and unfortunately the retirement system creates officers and some senior nco's who have checked out.
The Army officially only recognizes a geographic bachelor when they create it by orders to a duty station the spouse can not be moved to.
That said every post I have been at, every unit I was a senior leader at, had the ability to provide a room to a married SM whose family did not, could not move with them.
Best bet is for your SM to ask this question of thier sponsor at the gaining unit... these type of questions are exactly the reason the sponsor program was set up
That said every post I have been at, every unit I was a senior leader at, had the ability to provide a room to a married SM whose family did not, could not move with them.
Best bet is for your SM to ask this question of thier sponsor at the gaining unit... these type of questions are exactly the reason the sponsor program was set up
SGM Erik Marquez
ahh, crap you're at JBSA I see....well that brings with it a whole nother issue,,,, much limited housing.. and mixed "ownership" between Af and Army....Again, try your 1SG, and the barracks manager... but it is not beyond the real of possibilities that incoming SM may have to fend for himself (with assistance of course) to find housing he is being compensated for.
SGM Erik Marquez
Ahh, got it now,, you are the sponsor... Go see your 1SG, he (she , other) will talk with the barracks management folks if he does not know the answer... because the answer depends. They have to house those authorized first, then have some on hand for incoming personnel authorized a room, and some rooms will not be serviceable taking them out of the lineup, lastly IF there are extra rooms, I'd be surprised if they are not made available for temporary geo bachelors.
Technically, the SM is receiving BAH, that is paid to him for him AND his dependants. If he CHOOSES to not cohabitate with the dependants, that is his choice.. though we all know many times it is not a real choice.
In the 1950, 60, 70s even, the Soldier moved, the spouse was in that same car...period. Not so in today's dual income families, extended family needing support, EFMP, or the dog has a vet appointment and can't leave for another month (Of note, only the Dog vet appointment flies with me)...LOL)
Technically, the SM is receiving BAH, that is paid to him for him AND his dependants. If he CHOOSES to not cohabitate with the dependants, that is his choice.. though we all know many times it is not a real choice.
In the 1950, 60, 70s even, the Soldier moved, the spouse was in that same car...period. Not so in today's dual income families, extended family needing support, EFMP, or the dog has a vet appointment and can't leave for another month (Of note, only the Dog vet appointment flies with me)...LOL)
SFC Chris Crossley
Not knowing the exact circumstances or report dates, the PCSing Soldier can always request for a deferment to his report date. Unless times have changed, when I was in OIP/OCOI, we were always receiving requests for deferment and we would in turn advise the Soldier that depending on the desired time 30-90 days, the approving authority would be either the local chain of command or in all my cases 11C/11B Branch.
"Requests, for deletion, deferment, or early arrival must be submitted through the Enlisted Distribution and Assignment (EDAS) in accordance with MILPER message 15-179 paragraph 4 through 8A, with the exception of requests based on operational or compassionate needs. Procedures for these actions are contained in paragraph 8B and 8C of the MILPER message" (EPMD, 2016).
"Requests, for deletion, deferment, or early arrival must be submitted through the Enlisted Distribution and Assignment (EDAS) in accordance with MILPER message 15-179 paragraph 4 through 8A, with the exception of requests based on operational or compassionate needs. Procedures for these actions are contained in paragraph 8B and 8C of the MILPER message" (EPMD, 2016).
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