Posted on Apr 22, 2016
SSG Bethany Viglietta
I am an Army Recruiter and it would be great to share.

As we gear up to ship out some of our first female Future Soldiers in combat jobs, I ask of the members of RP, what is your advice for these young soldiers?

Please keep it constructive and nothing along the lines of they shouldn't be able to serve in these positions because that ship has sailed and opinions about how they should not serve in these positions are not going to change anything.

Edit: The conversation among RP members about mentoring these service members is amazing. Honestly, I did not know what to expect when I started the thread, because this is a subject many feel strong about. Thank you so much for all of your advice thus far, I cannot wait to share it with our female and male recruits and hope you share it in your ranks/communities as well. Together we are molding the future of the military.
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 399
LTC Paul Labrador
I would say that if they want to play with the boys, they need to be prepared to be treated as one of the boys...and not get their feathers ruffled when they do. If they do that, they will likely find acceptance. If they try to act like they are a special snowflake deserving of special treatment, they will find themselves ostracized.
COL John McClellan
COL John McClellan
>1 y
(Join to see) - I was just replying using the terms another post had used!
SrA Margie Hooley
SrA Margie Hooley
>1 y
LTC Paul Labrador, We all took the same oath and to put it "if they want to play with the boys" is very offensive. I did not serve in combat, but I never felt I had to compete with anyone but myself. I trained to do a job and I did it and did it well. I know in my heart that I would have given my best in a combat situation, as I took my job and my oath seriously. I worked at a VA Hospital after leaving the military, and I met many many combat veterans - men and women. (I don't recall meeting any boys or girls). Coming home after serving in a war zone. God bless them all and their courage. There are many different personalities in the military. Who knows why they join? But for what ever reason, as volunteers, they all stand head and shoulders above the crowd in my book.
LTC James McElreath
LTC James McElreath
>1 y
That is such a good statement of what will have to be expected! They are going to play a little rough though.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
>1 y
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SGM Erik Marquez
Edited 9 y ago
My advice? and worth every penny...
Just go and do.
if the unit does it right there will be NO changes..
You either can complete the program of instruction or can not .. don't ask for anything special, if the task is to move something you can not, it's not because you're a female, it's because the SM tasked with the mission needs help. .. that's it.....figure out what to do and accomplish the mission.
Color and gender has no place in the Military

Willing and able
mission accomplishment
Is all that matters..

And yes... I thought that way when i was not trying to push something just because Im no longer living it.
MAJ Keira Brennan
MAJ Keira Brennan
9 y
Jeeze SGM - you're the man. Your comment knocked me off my feet. Bravo!
SP5 Alan Morland
SP5 Alan Morland
9 y
There is only one way to serve in combat. Be a warrior, never quit, destroy the enemy. If you can do that, sign up.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
9 y
MAJ Keira Brennan - Thank for the kind words. I went back and re-read my post.... And honestly, don't see anything in it all that spectacular. It was conceived and typed without much thought, as are most of my responses that come from personal experience and observed reality. The tough thought provoking responses are those that the user has never personally seen, done, lived.... that one above was a simple answer to a simple question.
SP5 Michael Barczykowski
SP5 Michael Barczykowski
>1 y
SGM Erik Marquez - You didn't have to think about it because you spoke the truth from your heart. Kudos.
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PFC Signal Support Systems Specialist
My advice to put it lightly is just to not to expect everything to be handed to you just because you're a female. You'll have to push yourself even after duty hours to be an equal. And I guess just to not expect special treatment. They need to understand in uniform you aren't male or female, you are a soldier what one is expected to do others will be expected to do.
SGT Tim Fridley
SGT Tim Fridley
9 y
Good advice
LCpl Ronnie Padgett
LCpl Ronnie Padgett
9 y
Well said
PFC Signal Support Systems Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
9 y
SGT Tim Fridley - Thanks very much
PFC Signal Support Systems Specialist
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