Posted on Apr 22, 2016
Should Kansas legalize medical marijuana to help with their budget deficit?
Kansas is woefully behind (Darwin doesn't get taught in many schools) (home of Westboro: let's begin deportation with them) and broke. A recent public discussion asked for proposals to generate revenue for schools and transportation/roads and it turned to a discussion about MJ. Many families rely on school as daycare. The main flow went into legalization of pot like our next door neighbor, Colorado. This would provide tax $, keep the little bitty fishes with a roach in their pocket out of jail (saving jail housing costs) and keep it off a record that might otherwise be stellar, and establish regulations about what goes into the MJ because right now, there are a million different things that can cause psychosis.
Several studies have been done with positive results for pain control in cancer patients and during PTSD/MST treatment. Would you be willing to entertain the idea in your state and support legislation for personal use amounts? Keep in mind business can still determine their own policies about MJ acceptance. I'm for it after watching how much it helped my cousin while she died from brain cancer but I will not break the law.
I understand that you might want to comment anonymously on this thread. I went public with my opinions a few days ago and they were well received. I refuse to break the law and the VA can't prescribe oil or pills because MJ of any kind is not legal in KS.
Several studies have been done with positive results for pain control in cancer patients and during PTSD/MST treatment. Would you be willing to entertain the idea in your state and support legislation for personal use amounts? Keep in mind business can still determine their own policies about MJ acceptance. I'm for it after watching how much it helped my cousin while she died from brain cancer but I will not break the law.
I understand that you might want to comment anonymously on this thread. I went public with my opinions a few days ago and they were well received. I refuse to break the law and the VA can't prescribe oil or pills because MJ of any kind is not legal in KS.
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 33
The issue with the whole "medical marijuana" thing is IMHO, it's always been a rather poor smoke screen (no pun intended) for illicit use. Yes, we have legit uses for THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, but we also have had THC legally available for prescription use for a long time (ie Marinol) in forms that we can dose control. If we want to legalize marijuana use, then freakin' legalize it and take away all pretense.
Capt Mark Strobl
LTC Paul Labrador - Sir, disagreeing with you on this point: I've been a Colorado resident since our state has legalized marijuana use. This legislation has changed nobody's usage habits. Nobody's. However, users can go to a nice & safe retail store for purchases --which is WAY better than buying it from your best friend's roommate's brother.
LTC Paul Labrador
Capt Mark Strobl - Colorado got rid of the pretense that it was for "medicinal" use, which I applaud. While I personally have issues with marijuana use, I give them props for no longer playing the charade that most folks were using it for "medicinal" use when in reality they just wanted to get high. The issue I have is playing the charade that it's for anything BUT recreational use. Legalize it or don't. But don't pretend you're using it as "medicine" when you're not.
Capt Mark Strobl
LTC Paul Labrador - Totally Agree. The majority of sales are to recreational users. Thus, such syntax is included in our law: "approved for recreational use." The "medicinal use" crap is passe.
CW4 Kenneth Berninger
I am a combination Medical and recreational user now that I am retired. I would much rather have group of soldiers report for duty after a hard nights toking than hung the F over.
Hey man. Like lets pass this bill so I can get, ah, better. Yeah, that's it! LOL
TSgt David L.
Maj Kim Patterson - Yes Ma'am. Actually I was thinking some Hendrix and the DOOBIE Brothers! LMAO
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