Posted on Apr 15, 2016
Does anyone know if the RFI issued mountain boots are authorized for wear with the new OCP in garrison?
Responses: 6
G-1 pushed out guidance stating that all RFI is wearable in garrison, at the discretion of commanders...
SGT Joshua Bressel
It was funny, my unit, was the first to get the black, fleece, jackets, in '03, and our CSM, saying that black is not a tactical color(he's right, it blends into nothing), made us all wear ours, under our DCU blouses, in combat. We even got the first issue, navy blue, fleece caps.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SGT Joshua Bressel - That sounds about right. We would always get issued the boonie caps but then whenever we would even ask to wear them the CSM would choke on his snuff, have and aneurysm, and then it was back to the "Ballistic Beret" with the chin strap cinched down so tight that it would compress a head to the size of a softball.
There is ONLY 1 place to be sure you get the correct answer and that is....wait for it.....the AR670-1.
SGT Joshua Bressel
Nothing from RFI, that I've ever been issued, has ended up in AR670-1. AR670-1 shows you how your boots should be worn, and basic criteria, but often fails to address current guidance, on specific uniform items. Boots are usually easier, but many items, like the soft shell jacket, or shell pants, don't make it into the "Holy Book".
SFC (Join to see)
DA PAM 670-1 might have something but more then likely still just a ALTRACT message. Takes a long time to make changes to AR/DA PAM so will have to check the msg.
CPT (Join to see)
Rojer I am tracking the ALARACTS you have to be careful with those and ensure that when you return from theater that you are still allowed to wear an item. USUALLY an ALARACT will ONLY cover what you are allowed to wear DURING a deployment. Make SURE that the ALARACT specifies a CHANGE to the uniform standard that will be added to the AR 670 at the next published change. If it specifies a change then you best print that sucker out and keep it in your pocket so when the Sergeant-Major busts your B#%%S you can defend yourself. Just don't want one of y'all to get your ass chewed out for trying to defend an un-defendable position.
Rojer I am tracking the ALARACTS you have to be careful with those and ensure that when you return from theater that you are still allowed to wear an item. USUALLY an ALARACT will ONLY cover what you are allowed to wear DURING a deployment. Make SURE that the ALARACT specifies a CHANGE to the uniform standard that will be added to the AR 670 at the next published change. If it specifies a change then you best print that sucker out and keep it in your pocket so when the Sergeant-Major busts your B#%%S you can defend yourself. Just don't want one of y'all to get your ass chewed out for trying to defend an un-defendable position.
SGT (Join to see)
I am wearing a pair now and they are sold at Clothing and sales...I will get you a better answer but they are authorized.
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