Posted on Apr 15, 2016
Who are you without your rank before your name?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 78
CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR Just an indivudual man no better than anyones else in this world, a Father, a husband, and a son who honors his Mother, Father, and God on a daily basis!
My name is Joshua...Above all, I am a Christian. God's blessed me to be husband to the finest woman He put on this earth, and father to a son whose already promising to be smarter and stronger than I was. I've been a sailor, boxer, swordsman, and a warrior poet-Sometimes, I have to make money. My heart's in the Highlands...but my blood goes back to Gettysburg and Valley Forge. I believe in the "hard sell", and the "long trail". I believe there is definitive "right" and "wrong"...occasionally, I do both. I try to respect everyone, while fearing no one. I'm not "smart", but I think those I serve would call me reliable. I'm not "wise", but I think those that depend on me would call me resourceful. I'm not perfect, but I hope my Lord sees that I try to be.
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
Shoot, I'm just a dirt farmer from Kansas. When I got out I transitioned to Water and Waste Water, so I do know my shit!! LOL
My rank never made me who I was/am. The only thing that did was the title Doc.
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
I constantly reevaluate myself. I may be an Army officer, but that does not identify myself. Some COLs have had big titles and responsibilities, and they cannot fathom that they do not have the power they used to have while in the military. For them, the transition has been hard. For me, it will be relatively easy. My title does not make me, and it should not make anyone else. Humility will take a person far, I have learned.
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