I report in January and am looking for information on the MP units, their missions and looking to connect with someone already there.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Were I to go to Korea right now realizing what thirty years can do, I'd start with Google Earth and do a satellite recon to familiarize myself with the installation. Come to think of it I'd probably do the same with Ft. Jackson, it's been nearly forty years since I was there. With Jackson all I can say is never be without a chaperone around any females.
Thanks to everyone for their responses. However I've been diverted to Ft Jackson, SC. Not sure if I should be happy or disappointed. Lol
CPT Aaron Kletzing
In that case, we have a TON of RallyPoint members assigned to Fort Jackson right now. They can be great resources for you!

Servicemembers at Fort Jackson, SC | RallyPoint
Connect with military members and veterans around Fort Jackson, SC. Share advice and learn from others with your experience.
I think you would have been better off going to Carroll compared to Jackson, all I can say is watch your back down there as the post is riddled with politics and false accusations.
Good luck and stay safe.
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