Posted on May 31, 2014
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
YOU are a rater or senior rater and you are told that you MUST give a Soldier that you think and know to be a toxic Soldier (Sailor, Marine, Airman, etc.) and underperforming and lazy a good evaluation. The basis is that he/she has completed some good solid stuff during the rated period and has passed their fitness test and height/weight. They also could claim that other Soldiers (Sailors, etc.) received the higher rating and they did not do as much or save as much money as they did.

You were told to back off or the rater was told to back off from counseling the Soldier (etc.) as they were claiming that they were being too harsh on them. So there is little paperwork on the Soldier (etc.). They also repeatedly lie to you about why they cannot come in and often when they do show up they show up late, leave in the middle of the day without notice, or leave early. You once again could not counsel the Soldier (etc.) on this because there were other people in the office (military and civilian alike) that do the same thing.

What would you say to the CSM when he/she told you that there is nothing that you can do but give the Soldier (etc.) a good evaluation?
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Responses: 25
1SG Company First Sergeant
Sir, you scenario is a tough one for me to comprehend. I would never let someone tell me when I can and can't counsel MY Soldiers! By allowing them to manipulate you and tell you not to counsel, you have set yourself up for not being able to do anything more than give a success. What about quarterly counselings?? Keep a running 2166-8-1 on your computer (or paper) of all things good and bad on your Soldiers that you rate, come quarterly counseling time, use that to counsel them. You are required to do quarterly counseling and the people in your office can't stop that. If they are, then you need to go to the CSM in your scenario long before it is time for the NCOER to be written.
SSG Instructor/Writer
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Agreed. You lost the battle when you agreed not to counsel the individual early on. It sounds like you needed to have a long talk with senior leadership about their views of appropriate behavior and or work ethic. Everyone deserves a fair evaluation covering both that strengths and weaknesses, and everyone deserves quality mentorship leading up to that evaluation.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
8 y
1st Sgt Gilley, I was going to say some of the things You just said, no point in Me repeating them though, You already covered that. As You also mentioned make sure Your record shows both positive and negative things to include times and dates in case it should become an issue. If the record goes all to the negative it could be alleged the rater had it out for that individual. Seems We are on the same page. I've never let anyone tell Me what I can and can't write on a Evaluation report and I did keep within the acceptable language and phrases that are recommended.
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MAJ Inspector General
Unlawful Command Influence, you can't be forced to change what you believe to be valid and true. The SR or Reviewer box of disagreement exists for a reason.
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SFC Military Police
Well first off NO ONE will tell me to give someone a rating they don't deserve. Secondly if they did do good things during the rating period those will get their due mention but that doesn't negate the others. As long as I can support the rating with counseling's there isn't a thing that can be done. Anyone who tells you NOT to counsel is basically telling you to be derelict in your DUTY as an NCO, not gonna happen here.
I recently had this issue where I counseled a SSG 3 times in a little over a week. First for disrespect and insubordination toward myself, the second for the same toward a commissioned officer and the third for failing to show for duty on time.
I was labelled a toxic leader and removed from the rating chain by the CSM.
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
LTC (Join to see)
11 y
It is crazy how someone trying to enforce the standards is labeled toxic.
SFC Military Police
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
You know Sir, I had the same question.
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