We all had those. If you're in a leadership position (E5 and above) what diplomatic approach would you use with your superiors without being offensive or insubordinate?
Edited 11 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 4
I have worked with all sorts of upper leadership, and it would all depend on the person you are approaching. In all fairness I have found it to be they don't know they are " micro managing". Alot of young leaders think they need to be involved in every aspect of the job. I have found that just addressing them in private usually will help.
Keep at your leadership position with the utmost professionalism, and by the book standards -- perhaps when he/she see's how much leadership you possess, things will change... You cannot change people, only the way you approach the situation, or the way you conduct yourself!
Be a people pleaser. If you know you work for someone that micromanages, do your best to reassure them and tell them what they need to hear to ensure that they know you are doing what is asked. I hate it as much as the next guy but I usually get them off my back when I do everything I can to make them feel at ease.
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