Posted on May 30, 2014
MSG Martinis Butler
NCODP’s are great gatherings to identify, discuss, and fix problems that should be addressed by NCO’s. I believe there’s too much focus on the obvious like NCOER’s, ERB’s, counseling’s, downsizing, QSP and QMP. What the focus should be on are leaders instilling the drive to be NCO’s. Many young NCO’s are leaving the NCO ranks to become warrants to either chase the money or because they are disgusted by the senior leaders approach in mentoring and supporting them. Other areas that I’ve identified that needs more attention would be Senior Leaders not being Senior Advisors but being used as tools to regurgitate info that are being passed down and thinking its ok not to voice their opinions. There’s not enough advising going on especially when we have the experience. More classes need to be taught to NCO’s and Officers to better understand their roles as it pertains to interacting with one another while leading Soldiers as a team. More discussions on career progression amongst peers and what are great avenues that should be taken to excel in your field. Senior Leaders with solid marriage experience investing that time to counsel young couples before marriage and on what to expect as a spouse in the military as well as having children in the military. Leaders giving classes on the importance of having a WILL, being financially stable while serving, being knowledgeable about TSP’s, IRA’s, and ROTH accounts. Leaders breaking down the importance of investing, buying a house, starting small businesses, and the importance of a degree right now and not after retirement.
We expect many of these roles to be performed by squad leaders and section leaders, but we often fail to realize that they are young and never had anyone to invest in them. This is what getting back to the basics truly means. Do you notice these obvious signs as well?
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Responses: 1
CPT Jacob Swartout
The NCODPs helped me out tremendously when I was enlisted. I have to agree on much of what you mentioned. Too many times have I counseled and spent time with Soldiers on decisions that could go wrong. We talked about cars, homes, electronics, and financial budgeting. I have shown ways to do the NCOERs to young NCOs so that they can better understand the process. Our CSM presence was great for the NCODPs and his knowledge and experience made us think more in depth in our careers. I offered my opinion on a lot of choices and decisions that are brought up to me by NCOs and Officers. Many people have come back for more and there are times that my advice was perfect in having them rethink about a hard decision(s). My advice stems from me listening to those who I asked advice from years ago. I highly encourage those to attend classes to better educate themselves. In fact I just put out in the training meeting about a financial class that is one day here on post. Even if you are good at budgeting, there may be something that you didn't know. Leaders like you mentioned just need to keep engaged with Soldiers to inform them more and lead them to success. Senior advice only ensures the knowledge is going to the next generation of future leaders.
MSG Martinis Butler
MSG Martinis Butler
11 y
Sir, your impact and just being able to take heed from earlier NCODP's truly shows that you care and have had good leaders that have invested great time and knowledge in you. We need more leaders like you with a good mindset that are willing to make a difference.
CPT Jacob Swartout
CPT Jacob Swartout
11 y
Thank you SFC Butler, I learned a lot from the CSMs and 1SGs who taught us well. I'm always taking time to help NCOs grow professionally as best that I can. Hopefully what they are taught is passed down to others.
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