What does it mean to you to serve? Why did you choose to do so. What is some thing you would tell a young man or woman thinking about joining. I am asking these qu. to see some of the response from the community. These are questions i review in my head from time to time and they help me to return back to some of my basics when things start to get a little crazy.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 4
I joined for many reasons. 1) Live up to my family heritage. I'm the first Marine in the family, but the military lineage goes back literally centuries. 2) This wasn't so much on my mind when I first joined, but when I reenlisted I knew I needed to be in a job that would help me to provide for my family. $11/hour in the civilian world won't do that; especially in a very high cost of living area. Soon-to-be-EASers take note! 3) I simply wanted to join at a pretty young age.
As to what it means to serve: I didn't see/feel this in my first enlistment, but being in enlistment #2 I find it satisfying to serve. It coincides with the side of my personality that likes to help others when possible.
As to what it means to serve: I didn't see/feel this in my first enlistment, but being in enlistment #2 I find it satisfying to serve. It coincides with the side of my personality that likes to help others when possible.
Because there is no better honor then to give of yourself for your country. Especially since less then 1% of the population ever serves. Semper Fi!
For me, it meant to serve my country. I would tell a man or woman wanting to join that you will face difficult challenges and hardships that you will overcome. You will also embark on new adventures that you could never have imagined. I would also tell them that they could get killed or wounded while deployed or see others killed and wounded. There are great challenges and great rewards, like the G.I. Bill. The greatest reward is the pride that you take with you in serving your country.
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