Posted on May 28, 2014
What are your perceptions of the Army National Guard and Air National Guard?
I would like to hear what experiences Active Duty has had with these components and if none, what they have heard about them.
I have been in deployed locations amongst AD and it has amazed me how little some people have even heard about "The Guard."
I have been in deployed locations amongst AD and it has amazed me how little some people have even heard about "The Guard."
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 6
As a former AD Marine, we saw zero presence from the Reserves. Then upon separation, I joined the Reserves until I found out that Police Departments would NOT hire Marine Reservists and had to separate-and was immediately hired (funny how that worked). Then, later, I joined Navy Reserves, then transferred job locations and switched to Air Force Reserves. Then, I heard of the Air Guard and swapped, and love where I am.
After 9-11, we hooked up with AD units and had run ins, until the kinks got worked out (mostly AD prejudice against the Guard. Since then, there has been so much co-mingling that for the most part, you cannot distinguish the two.
What I can tell anyone is that for the most part (there are always exceptions) the Guard and Reserves are a tremendous asset and in many cases the experience level carried by the average Guardsman/Reservist is off the charts.
I am in a Security Forces Unit that has a significant number of personnel with greater than 15 years of service, many with active duty, many with cross service affiliation (former Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Coast Guard and numerous Air Force-both from Active and Reserve of all).
In addition to all of the cross service experience, the unit is full of civilian law enforcement, many with over 15 years there.
When we deploy, we can pick up the ball and run. How do you replicate that level of experience when joining up with active duty? My answer is that you cannot. That is not a knock on active duty-it is a plug to the Guard/Reserve.
It does take a minute sometimes for Guard/Reserve to get back into the AD swing of things, but good troops pick that up quickly.
The major difference between AD and Guard/Reserve is that most Guard/Reserve are fulfilling two full time careers and are in a constant juggling act of pleasing two masters-they have to keep the Military and the Civilian bosses happy and that "aint easy".
My .02 is that if you link up with a Guard/Reserve unit-give them a minute to acclimate, then watch them excel. I would not trade my Active time for anything in the world-Semper Fi Marines, but I also would not trade my Guard time and experiences. It has been great.
If you are getting out of the Active Duty, and going into Law Enforcement, my advice to you is find an Air Guard SFS unit and join. What you will find is a unit that knows what time it is, and a family that will help you get where you want to go! Defensor Fortis
After 9-11, we hooked up with AD units and had run ins, until the kinks got worked out (mostly AD prejudice against the Guard. Since then, there has been so much co-mingling that for the most part, you cannot distinguish the two.
What I can tell anyone is that for the most part (there are always exceptions) the Guard and Reserves are a tremendous asset and in many cases the experience level carried by the average Guardsman/Reservist is off the charts.
I am in a Security Forces Unit that has a significant number of personnel with greater than 15 years of service, many with active duty, many with cross service affiliation (former Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Coast Guard and numerous Air Force-both from Active and Reserve of all).
In addition to all of the cross service experience, the unit is full of civilian law enforcement, many with over 15 years there.
When we deploy, we can pick up the ball and run. How do you replicate that level of experience when joining up with active duty? My answer is that you cannot. That is not a knock on active duty-it is a plug to the Guard/Reserve.
It does take a minute sometimes for Guard/Reserve to get back into the AD swing of things, but good troops pick that up quickly.
The major difference between AD and Guard/Reserve is that most Guard/Reserve are fulfilling two full time careers and are in a constant juggling act of pleasing two masters-they have to keep the Military and the Civilian bosses happy and that "aint easy".
My .02 is that if you link up with a Guard/Reserve unit-give them a minute to acclimate, then watch them excel. I would not trade my Active time for anything in the world-Semper Fi Marines, but I also would not trade my Guard time and experiences. It has been great.
If you are getting out of the Active Duty, and going into Law Enforcement, my advice to you is find an Air Guard SFS unit and join. What you will find is a unit that knows what time it is, and a family that will help you get where you want to go! Defensor Fortis
MSgt (Join to see)
Thank you for your thoughtful input First Sgt. I have found that many lump reserve and guard as one in the same when in fact there is a variety of differences beyond how they get paid and funded. Your experience in so many components is an incredible testament to your broad wealth of knowledge and experience in this topic. If I could give two thumbs up on here I would!
My Army National Guard unit, the 43rd MP Bde, was responsible for CLOSING Abu Ghraib prison.
Not to be confused with the 800th MP Bde who the whole mess started under.
'Nuff said about how I feel.
Not to be confused with the 800th MP Bde who the whole mess started under.
'Nuff said about how I feel.
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
SSG (Join to see) OMG the planning alone was a nightmare. It got turned back over to the Iraqi government to use as a... wait for it... civilian prison.
MSG(P) Michael Warrick
The Guard outshines the AD in many ways for many reasons. many Soldiers have multiple MOS and bring civilian experience with them into the job. However, the AD does do some things better than the guard. With all that said we are one Army, and the name tape does not show USAR, ARNG or USAD but it show US ARMY and we are One Team !!
I would say it would depend on the unit. I am in the Guard and have been in good units and have seen some guard units embarrass the guard. I am lucky to be in one of those good guard units. I am in an awesome infantry unit. I have even been afforded the opportunity to attend Ranger school. It is hard to get that in the Guard. It is all what you make of it. I would say we are found to be the victim of many jokes from the AD side.
MSgt (Join to see)
Thanks LT, I have seen the AD joke about guard as well, with me standing amongst them. I had worked alongside them for months and they had no idea I was guard, when I spoke up they were suprised to hear I was guard and they started asking questions. By the end of the conversation I had a few saying they wanted to know more about joining after their ETS.
1SG David Hoogendorn
Bottom line, by and large Squared away! Most of the NCOs and Officers have multiple combat tours from OIF/OEF. They have come a long way since the Desert Storm era.
CPT (Join to see)
That is very true. The GWOT has transformed the Guard into a ready fighting force.
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