Posted on Mar 9, 2016
SSgt Obom Bowen
What's the worst place you've Slept on ship
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Responses: 52
PO3 Steven Sherrill
SSgt Obom Bowen never ask a sailor about where they have slept on a ship. The answer is anywhere nobody is watching. Not only will a sailor sleep anywhere, we will McGyver the shit out of finding a postion to sleep in. I have slept on the safety net in the trunk next to the Sonar spaces, behind sonar equipment, Pretty much any space I had access to, I had nap time in. Some of those places, are best left unmentioned.
CDR Terry Boles
CDR Terry Boles
>1 y
Well said...brings back lots of memories of my enlisted days aboard ship.
Cpl Thomas Woods
Cpl Thomas Woods
>1 y
To a Marine, where to catch Zzzzzs is a closely guarded secret.....AllI'll say, is that the best spots involved cargo netting.......
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
>1 y
Cpl Thomas Woods - Yep. Cargo netting, the netting in the trunks, Other areas that I will not speak of.
SSgt Obom Bowen
SSgt Obom Bowen
>1 y
PO3 Donald Murphy - OMG too many memories Brother. thanks for sharing man
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SMSgt Thor Merich
In a bed, but it was lumpy. But hey, I am in the Air Force, so it was pretty traumatic for me at the time.
SSgt Obom Bowen
SSgt Obom Bowen
>1 y
hahaha thats a good one SSgt (Join to see) have to give you that for sure.
Capt Mark Strobl
Capt Mark Strobl
>1 y
SMSgt Thor Merich - You have beds in the Air Force?!
SMSgt Thor Merich
SMSgt Thor Merich
>1 y
Capt Mark Strobl - Yes sir, real cozy ones. In certain AFSC's (MOS), they even have a turn down service.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
2 y
Being Air Force I always had a nice comfortable bed and slept great. The best was when I was stationed at Lowry AFB, CO in a two man room and in Bachelor NCO Quarters We had maid service to make the bed and clean the rooms Monday through Friday. In the day room We had vending machines with bottled beer. The only one better maybe was Senior NCO Quarter's when I attended an advanced Security Police Supt course. Private room, desk, private bathroom, small kitchen, color TV, air conditioning. At Hanscom AFB, MA, two man room, bathroom shared with only one other room, our own sink. Living conditions weren't terrible and I don't mind comfort. Worst i had was some two man rooms where You had to use a community Latrine.
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LCDR Sales & Proposals Manager Gas Turbine Products
As a Midshipman, I was on cruise with a fast attack boat out of Peal. It gets pretty chilly, even in a modern submarine, and I finally found a bulkhead that was toasty enough to keep me from turning as blue as my overalls. A Senior Chief walked by and said, "Hey want to have kids someday?" confused, I said, "Er...I guess so Senior Chief." He smiled and said, "Then you might want to rack out somewhere other than on the opposite side of the reactor shielding". Oh the things snottie's will believe :)
SSgt Obom Bowen
SSgt Obom Bowen
>1 y
Hahahahaha, LCDR (Join to see) I'm sure you have kids TODAY of course. Lol that a good one.
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