Posted on Mar 6, 2016
SPC Signal Support Systems Specialist
I was discharged from the Army on November 13, 2012. It was a chapter 11 RE-3. Now I am currently trying to enlist in the Air Force I've taken my ASVAB I got a 73 and now I'm waiting. My recruiter told me I am being considered for three different waivers the first is to be considered a new enlistment, which he said was the simplest and most likely what I would receive. The second is that I will be considered prior service with my MOS, which is not going to happen since I didn't make it to AIT and my DD-214 doesn't have it listed. The third is that I will be considered prior service with direct duty, probably not going to happen since I didn't complete basic. I'm 100% okay with being a new enlistment, I get to start over, but with the upper hand on what to expect. This process so far has taken about 3 months. My recruiter told me that the last prior service he had took 6-7 months to get a waiver. Not that it matters, but the back story of my discharge, it was supposed to be a medical I was told I had shattered my knee cap according to the bone scan I was told to go back the next day to start my med board paperwork. So I went back the doctor I had talked to wasn't there and there was no record of my bone scan I don't know what happened, the other doctor that I saw that day called me a liar and said I faked it and called the captain of my battalion and recommended me for a chapter 11 and I had no say. Yeah, it sucks, but if I would have med boarded I wouldn't have the chance I have now to make a career out of what I want. My hope is to be able to pick a medical AFSC. Any advice or information from experience would be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: after a bit of a run around I was told by my recruiter that my discharge was for pregnancy?! Which I most certainly was not. They're also saying in addition to supposedly being pregnant I had some kind of injury which they told me as I was being discharged that I had no injuries. So now I've been trying to get ahold of doctors from 2012 in Oklahoma and since I don't live there anymore it's a ginormous headache. But nevertheless I am determined. I should have all my paperwork from the doctors by June 18th. And I will post another update when I know something new. Wish me luck!!!!!
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 23
MSG Sitting
RE-3 is not a bad code. It is not a good but not bad and not the end of the road. Had you gotten an RE-4, that would have been a whole other story.
Chapter 11 means you didn't finish Basic, you left as entry level; no big thing.
First, go to your personal doctor and get your knees examined, and have the clearance provided to the MEPS' doctor, who will do a complete physical. second, look at the paperwork and just answer the reason in it: I was young, weak, and made a mistake. I am older, smarter and tougher.
Wait... everything with the government takes forever.
LTC Charles T Dalbec
LTC Charles T Dalbec
>1 y
I agree but the responsibility is yours to do what is recimmended. Okay?
MSG Sitting
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
The responsibility is ALWAYS on the individual. As it is written: "If you don't ask, the answer is always no."
SPC Intelligence Analyst
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
I was just upgraded from RE-4 to RE-3 based on an undiagnosed case of PTSD. Remember we live in a great country, and we need you fighters. If it doesnt work out than I hate it for you, but NEVER GIVE UP.
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TSgt Melissa Post
I know nothing about the whole re-enlistment area of this, but I did want to say that keep your chin up. I was in the DEP program for a year before getting a job to drop. Good luck!
SPC Signal Support Systems Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
9 y
Thank you! Any support helps!(:
TSgt Melissa Post
TSgt Melissa Post
9 y
Any time
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Capt Daniel Goodman
I only mention this in the event you might not know of it since you want something medical if you might want to try for nursing for a bachelors level RN look at the USPHS commissions corps they might have differing rules the USUHS med school for the services in Bethesda I'd heard had nursing programs now though I know little about how they work you might have to do the RM or nurse prsctioner NP or do a PA Zara a civilian school USPHS has a little known functional equiv of ROTC called junior and senior COSTEP ask about it for possible funding if you might care to you might try for ROTC in an RN or PA program also just a thought of course
SPC Signal Support Systems Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
9 y
Thank you! I'll definitely look into it. It's good to have several options!
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
9 y
I follow I often wish I'd known of it when I'd gone on look also at bioengineering USPHS uses engineers also at bachelors level I think also RNs though ask to be sure there are s fee bachelors level PA programs though most now are masters like NPs look at dentistry podiatry optometry pharmacy though those are all pharm d doctoral now I think and also chiropractic look too at possibly going into one of the state defense forces if you're able where you are they're state operated but I've heard of many who try using them as stepping stones to the federal services look up SGAUS their national principal admin body they often have clinical components and principally support the national guard and other federal services look too at going AGR and guard and reserve tech at state and federal level respectively USCG had their auxiliary and its AIM program and look at civil air patrol CAP as well
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
9 y
I forgot to mention also consider dentistry especially oral surgery as that is generally tied to either an m.d. or a d.o. for osteopathy which has its own !Ed schhols. You could also go Caribbean med also of you look at the USCG auxiliary AMD their AIM program look at their AUXMED program that lets auxiliarists with suitable clinical backgrounds actually assist USCG with actual clinical care. USCG other than I think PAs they have their own I think generally I had heard gets their clinical personnel from USPHS I gather. Also there's a major effort to let army navy and USAF use USPHS psych staff to supplement their own I had read several pieces about that if you might have any interest in going in such a direction at all just thought you might find all that of possible interest be eager to hear more if you'd care to chat further many thanks for discussion.
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