Posted on Feb 19, 2016
SPC Chad Kolod
I have noticed a rash of meme's like the one pictured popping up lately. One that really got too me was where a soldier pictured in a classroom was annoyed about non-veterans feeling like they deserve free college. It bugs me because I feel like that's why we joined, to defend the people of our great country and their dreams. Why do we as a veteran feel as though we deserve more than those we joined to protect? Maybe it's just me, but has anyone else noticed this? I see it more in the more recent military and veterans. What are your thoughts?
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Responses: 11
SSgt Christopher Brose
SPC Chad Kolod First of all, you should feel a little silly for getting worked up over a meme. It's not even a good one (neither one you posted in this thread).

Second, and more important, you're just wrong. Veterans don't get free tuition. They don't get free ANYTHING. They gave up years of their life to get what they get, often in less than pleasant conditions, sometimes at the cost their health, and all of it under the oath of service and the UCMJ. We DO deserve it more than those we joined to protect, because we worked harder for it.

Some civilians do get free tuition, but not without cost. They busted their asses to get scholarships through long hours of study, or long hours of developing their bodies and athletic skills.

Why would anyone else feel they deserve free tuition? The only reason I can think of is that they don't have any understanding of what college actually costs. Either that, or they are just spoiled brats.
1stSgt Eugene Harless
1stSgt Eugene Harless
>1 y
When I worked in a Shipyard General Dynamics paid Tuition for 2 classes per semester though San Diego City College. About half of them the professors came onto the Yard to teach. The costs of books and materiel was hardly anything. There are plenty of jobs that will help you with schooling,,, oh but you have to WORK,,, which is what some of these little terds dont get.
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SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
>1 y
PO1 Andrew Gardiner - Common complaint, common usage meme. Give it time...
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
>1 y
I suspect that many people here would willingly give up their National Defense Service award, and any basic training ribbons, to get rid of the culture of participation trophies.
A1C Application Developer
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SSgt Christopher Brose - I hate the Graduation ribbon. Boot Camp is like highschool: You're expected to fucking finish it. I don't need an award for that. Definitely don't need an NDSM for doing what I signed up to do.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
"Free" tuition was anything but. I bled for it/ Lost time with my children for it. Fought and burned and nearly died for it.
The notion that Veterans are hypocrites for saying that money for school should not be given to everyone because of "reasons" is bull.

Don't worry, entitled guy. Bernie would never get that through Congress. You'll still have to either work hard, get mommy to pay for it, or incur debt just like your parents did.
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