I'm currently working on a secondary dependency package for my mother and speaking to the CO on Wednesday about keeping my BAH so that i don't lose the mortgage on my house, which would be very bad for my mother.
She is living with me in SC, currently, and i am an unmarried E-3(frocked E-4), with less than 2 years in the service. Has anyone successfully done this before? Do you have any advice for me?
She is living with me in SC, currently, and i am an unmarried E-3(frocked E-4), with less than 2 years in the service. Has anyone successfully done this before? Do you have any advice for me?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 3
The main requirement has typically been proof that you are providing at least 50% financial support. I tried to get my dad as a dependent in order to enroll him in TriCare, but was just shy of that amount even though he was living with me.
I have done it for the last 4yrs. If your mother doesn't work and is not receiving any income its a slam dunk for approval. If she is receiving any kind of income though you have to match it dollar for dollar or more. Other wise they drop you. When you do get BAH it is better not to have the parent collocated as you can claim dual BAH. I myself do this, it is legal I have processed this through numerous people including the JAG office (Can never be too careful). Even if you live on the ship you get BAH for her no matter what.
PO2 (Join to see)
I can't find anything stating the policy regarding dual BAH for secondary dependents. Can you point me in the right direction?
SSgt Rebekah Bradfield
Is dual BAH a new thing? I was under the impression you can only get one BAH but it would be at the rate with dependents.
AB (Join to see)
I asked my first sergeant about it and he said I needed something from my hometown courthouse saying that I am financially responsible for my mom. Do you know of what he may be talking about.
2ndLt (Join to see)
Could you possibly contact me? My email is [login to see] .
I need help with this. Thank you!
I need help with this. Thank you!
I've successfully failed twice. Basically to succeed at obtaining a secondary dependent, you need to prove they are financially dependent on you with a valid reason (ie. in school full-time, unable to work due to medical, etc). I submitted my packet for my sister, I included my parents foreclosure documents, a notarized letter saying my dad had been laid off and was unable to get a job in the current job market, and bank statements of what I was providing. My first submission (I was deployed at the time), they said because I didn't pay for her housing (since I couldn't afford it as an E3!) that I did not provide enough for her to be a dependent (she was under 18 at the time). The second time I submitted (over 18) they said I needed a court order. I submitted it with a power of attorney for parental rights, and she was in college. Courts don't grant orders over the age of 18 unless you are determined to be medically or financially incompetent. I tried reasoning with DFAS that is was not possible to obtain a court order, and since she wasn't 21 she couldn't be a college-aged dependent, but logic is lost on them.
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