Posted on Feb 13, 2016
What time on the approved begin date is a Soldier authorized to begin his/her ordinary leave?
I want to be clear that at 0001 on the start date of my leave I am authorized to be out of sight and out of mind. Someone is telling me otherwise, and they're not in the Army. I've looked at AR 600-8-10 and it states that Soldiers leaving on PTDY may depart at 0001 on the day the PTDY begins; but theres nothing (that I've been able to find at least) that states what time Soldiers are authorized to depart on oridinary leave. Just want to make sure I'm not forgetting some basic information here, and if I am please enlighten me! Thanks!
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 6
I concur with all comments supporting your 2401 start time.
Just out of curiosity, what branch is telling you this? And what guidance are they giving you?
Aside from your savvy RallyPoint guidance, to be sure, consult with your J1 folks. Or ask your SGM. Irrespective of branch, if your SGM clarifies, you are GTG.
Just out of curiosity, what branch is telling you this? And what guidance are they giving you?
Aside from your savvy RallyPoint guidance, to be sure, consult with your J1 folks. Or ask your SGM. Irrespective of branch, if your SGM clarifies, you are GTG.
SSG (Join to see)
They're Navy but on their leave form they to indicate the time they will begin their leave. I think that's where the confusion came from.
20 year ago, If the 2nd was my first day of leave, I left after securing at the end of the day on the 1st.
MAJ Ronnie Reams
I've done that, too. However, as Company Clerk, I was able to sign out on the sheet I gave to the CQ when he started duty. Others were rumored to pay the CQ to sign them out. This was near 50 years ago. Prolly not work that way now.
Maj John Bell
Like I said this was over 20 years ago, but as a CO, my instructions to Plt Ldrs/Sgts to sign leave papers when the company secured for the day. The PersO knew what we were doing since he or the PersChief had to sign out officers and SNCO's. The OOD only signed leave papers if the Marine was on a detail that secured after the company secured.
Just kind of a joking question from an old retired guy, SSG (Join to see), but wouldn't the time be expressed as 0001?! :) CMSgt (Join to see)
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