Posted on Feb 12, 2016
What are some of the positive aspects of the changes faced during transition?
Responses: 7
I have to be honest, I am still embracing the changes since getting out in June. I have a job that pays the bills and I am hoping to start school soon so I can look forward to going to work everyday!
Doug Macdonald
SPC(P) Jay Heenan, Sounds like you have a lot to look forward to. Remember, it's just a job, temporary solution for a long-term fix. Hang tough, it will get easier. Congrats on continuing your education. Make sure you follow your passion and not the $ when considering course of study.
I had 2 really great things that happened when I retired. I got married to my wife, and I moved to Thailand. I also had 2 very stressful things happen when I retired. I got married to my wife, and I moved to Thailand. ;)
Seriously, change is good. It can be stressful, but when it is done, you can emerge as a better person.
Seriously, change is good. It can be stressful, but when it is done, you can emerge as a better person.
These are 6 positive things I got out of my transitional changes.
* I got smarter.
* Became more flexible psychologically.
* Improved my communication skills.
* Became less complacent.
* Realized many more possibilities
* Keeps me focused on the future.
* I got smarter.
* Became more flexible psychologically.
* Improved my communication skills.
* Became less complacent.
* Realized many more possibilities
* Keeps me focused on the future.
Doug Macdonald
Vit Spirek - One of my favorite things to ask people is "when was the last time you caught yourself smiling?" Then I ask what caused them to smile.
Doug Macdonald
SSG Daniel Deiler - Driven by the possibilities of the future and thankful to wake up every day.
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