Posted on Feb 11, 2016
CPT Jack Durish
I'm not surprised. Are you? After all, socialism promises to replace mommy and daddy with a paternalistic system that will provide for their every want thus allowing them to live as children in perpetuity. Personally, I consider this an indictment of the American education system. Civics has been eliminated from the classroom and Leftist ideologues have replaced it with indoctrination.

I'll tell you something else that's interesting: RP has a "Topic" for "Socialism" but not "Capitalism". What's up with that?
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 51
Capt Richard I P.
1. We are not a monolith.
2. Everything is on a spectrum I usually prefer a two dimensional spectrum to the old 1 dimensional one.
3. We have to fix the mistakes of earlier generations.

This means experimenting with different ideas.

You know debates I'd like to see? Young Robert Heinlein vs Old Robert Heinlein and Ayn Rand vs some of the Scandinavian socialists.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
9 y
I agree families and the military are socialistic. Families intentionally transfer care and wealth from producers (parents) to non-producers (children), and much later in life, the care and wealth might transfer back from 50-something children to 80-something parents. But that isn't the whole story for families. Parents' goal #1 is building productive, happy young adults...and there is a known time limit on the transfer, and this is perhaps where we have gone wrong with our own children, as we smudge the time limit into oblivion.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
6 y
“Some baby boomers” are what’s wrong.. not all.. Don’t throw us all in the same enclosure.. I (we )did use resources but we’re conservative. Sure.. I ran the water a minute but filled the water bottle and refrigerated it until later use, thought about what I wanted before I opened the door to get an item.. I thought did I need that item right now or could I get it later when we went shopping and get it all I. One trip. If I topped the tank, I was on my way somewhere a long way away, so minimal gas escape.. I’d burn it before that happened.. if I used the gas grill, I cooked enough to make it worth turning on.. Reading.. I read when I could without turning a light on.. As far as running up the debt.. that’d be the ones on the left.. free school lunches, free school books and writing materials and pencils. When they started that free paper deal in school. I wanted to get started so I had my own paper in my notebook.. that socialist leftist that called herself a teacher, walked over, grabbed my notebook and gave me two sheets out of it.. if you need more come up and get it just like the others do ! They wait, you wait ! Hey, I don’t need your socialist dogma, i told her..I’m outta here.. who’s with me ? ... 8 of us left with our books, the curriculum synopsis she gave us and went to the library.. was I wrong.. kinda... We’d supplied our own gear.. not those golf pencils and the paper with the woodchips !.. She was collecting every other book and we’d have to share books.. some of us work faster.. some slower.. so the faster kid got to wait on the slow poke.. I told her.. look, I rented this book along with my others, you want it back?.. then give me a $1!... until then hands off... got it?.. it cost me 2 days in detention, but I had my book and got my work done. Would of got a A but points deducted for disrupting backtalk so a C+... She wanted gigs(JROTC).. [She had to file a grievance through her union.]tacked on for the disruption.. but that was dble jeopardy-charged twice for same offense..?.. {thankfully she hadn’t read about cases such as one for an open container in public at a city Park ballgame where the Airman had an open beer in the presence of minors{actually he was a minor too because he wasn’t 21}. It was in the newspaper, even though he wasn’t in uniform it identified him as being in the military and where stationed.. his Unit Cmdr gave him a conduct unbecoming, L.O.R. and suspended bust it delayed his promotion to SrAmn until suspended bust was over.. I think if the teacher had read that, use it as an show the Commandant..
As far as responsibility, I take it for my actions.. I enlisted in Reserves and Active Duty.. and served our country. as did some others..
So it should of been clarified as
Some Baby boomers...
Yeah.. there were some that were in for themselves to get an education
And malinger as much as possible with minimal production time.. the ‘gold-brickers..
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
6 y
CPT Jack Durish I agree about the hippies to a point.. but not a generation. But a clique within a generation.. for a longtime they were called ‘beatniks’. Then we got the “p.c-Nike”. I surmised they evolved from the so-called wanna-Be leftists. ., They evolved from the p.c’s?.... maybe an egg cracked open and they evolved(ha-ha).. oh no, can’t call them that.. it’ll hurt their feelings.. talking about ‘sno-flakes.. I came along in very early
50’s... I was given little chores like go get the flowers in the box by the fence for mama... of course dad followed and watched. Load them in the wagon and haul to where she she planted them... I’d heard of other kids getting $.50 for doing chores... that didn’t happen ! You want that burger n fries? Good that’s your allowance.. hard way to earn? It made me appreciate it more !... later as I aged (7 yrs, I got some quarters and s’times a dollar for doing s’thing w/o being didn’t expect me to change no diaper,.. I got out of that game when I stood baby brother in a little tub in the bath tub to catch any mess and I sprayed that hose to wash him off .. he sat a couple times and I had to wash him again..
( She liked that mini tub idea...just dump it in toilet and flush.. I didn’t tell her I got it from dad.. he quit taking him outside (in the spring n summer)in back when he(LiL brother) was nekked and spraying him off.. I had other chores.. I initiated to get paid for.. shine shoes,, read to little brother (watch your brother, read to him). .. $.25.. and then the big giant grabbed the crying spoiled brat and up the bean stalk he went.. saying on the saying up “I’m gonna butter you up and into the pot until your all tender and juicy...”. That got stopped.. if you want me leave that out, it’ll be $.50!
Later came and I was 10, folks thought I had a math prob.. actually I was ok. They wanted me like my cousin doing algebra and trig and that C one.. So off to Mo. to that Catholic academy with AFJROTC.
We had kind of a Royal blue jacket with a leather semi-gloss belt with chrome buckle. A lighter blue-gray trouser when you got your Sgt, you got your medium blue strip .on your trousers.. and then your SSGT. Rocker . When you got Your “T” patch in the cradle ( the T matched the uniform jacket color on a cloth that matched the trousers). Our uniforms had their own distinctions in design and the JROTC program let us have them.
and being a private academy we had cathecism -our religious studies program.. To get to our academy one went up a 1/4 mi. Drive curbed with curbstone and troop walk on either side.. our main building facing front with our billets behind us. The Sr. Billets[gr. 8-12] were on left side and Jr on left. [4th - 7th..]. I wasted no time and busted but on my studies.. I was hoping to return back early and be there when new Cadets rolled in 1st of August for indoctrination. When I started in Winter-Spring Semester I got to take a bypass test and not have to do some stuff.. I made up for it. But I still had my C/A2C Strip by Feb 1.. They were trying to be in line with the AF as far as rank went. It was 1964.. I had a few of my class mates that had had too many gigs (they had probs in religious studies)and got their C/A2C chevron held up.. They didn’t like it because they been there since August.. Before I got there we had Sister that was hard and pounded that stuff into us... So had the Hail Mary and stations of the cross and Act of contrition down good. The Our Father was easiest.. I’d get studying and take a study break and then I had my Cathecism study book./workbook(fill in answers).. and we were allowed to do that in study hall along with taking a R.R. Break.. By April 1st I got a meritorious promotion to Cadet SGT. For upholding Traditions / Standards etc., etc., of the United States Air Force Junior R.O.T.C. Program, The U.S. Air Force and St D’s ... in short. We were at a public park and in our P.T. Shirts n shots, Half boots.. and a toddler had chased its ball right off the walkway along the pond into the water.. it was deep for the toddler .. Anyway I went after the child and brought it to shore... it wasn’t breathing and patted on back and gave it A.R. And it came around pretty good.. The beach was over on the other side and the Lifeguard gal came over and took charge.. She wanted to take the little tyke but it held onto me.. hey. What can I say ?.. The F.D. With their Rescue arrived in a few min. And I handed it over(it still tried to hang on) .. A park officer got my name.. and that was it! I didn’t expect such fast action on the sitrep.. actually I didn’t know it would happen ! It wasn’t in our Cadet Airman’s Guide. I think the promotion was just an Academy Action, not a JROTC action.. I s’pose it could of been .. A Squad leader position became available.. Another Cadet was in line for it.. He’d put on his Cadet SGT in December .. “Cadet B________ was in line for it, he should get it !” I said. “Are you refusing responsibility? “. “Find me another position .. even in another Flight! .. The Cadet Cmdr seen the predicament I put myself in.. The Senior Staff mulled it over... and over... They came to a conclusion: I
would be the Commandant’s JR. Aide D’Camp.. The Rope and White Gunbelt No holster? Only for parade ! I still got a cartridge belt. 2 of them.. they had ammonia snaps.. Our Commandant was 78 ..
had sleepy spell, what they were scared of is he’d stop breathing too long.. So I carried a rescesutation kit bag, sometimes a portfolio bag for him too.. I wasn’t with him all time, I had classes too.. but I was at his table at lunch.. when the D.R.O.s
Weren’t around (they made a good job of disappearing.. since I got made the Commandant’s aide
Well summertime came and that meant going home for summer.. I was waiting on check to cash and get my train ticket home.. it still had not come.. maybe the folks read my dream by mental telepathy that I wanted to stay.. hmm.. while I was thinking(daydreaming). It got interrupted.. C/ SGT Herrst your wanted at the Commandant’s Office Assap ! I wasn’t that far. Down the hall.. I knocked and entered.. You don’t have to do that, your one of his Aides.. I still knocked on his door and said who I am.. He told me to enter but not stand at ease.. His Senior Aide, An Air Force Retired MSGT read from some AF style stationary.. attention to Orders: by the order of Commandant of St. Domenics Jesuit Military Academy, the following named person is hereby promoted to the Brevit grade of C/SSGT. And will assume this rank effective this date 15 June, 1965. This promotion will be for 60 days on the 61St day.. August 15, 1964,, he will be promoted permanently to SSGT and hold until subsequent promotion to next grade. So they hand me them and my letter order and I’m dismissed .. I got 2 days to get them On. I’m a good at sewing but the uniform I got requires more intriquite stitching . Classes are done.. for the summer.. I head to the tailor shop .. ahh still open.. Mrs. k very dependable ! I gave her my Jacket and waited., it took her about 5 minutes to get them off and another few to tack on the new ones and sewn in proper place.. I thanked her and said “look over there. What’s that?” When she did I slipped a few $$ in her sewing machine drawer and shut it.. and gave her a little kiss on the cheek and hoped nobody else seen it.. I headed to my billet and found Dad and Mom waiting.. it took only a few minutes tok
Get the bag and my flight bag packed.. When I was in town after that park there was a Military Surplus store and I got me a set of Aviator style Bausch n Lomb sun glasses((not the mirror lensed, I don’t remember if they were made yet. .. maybe ! I looked at our atlas trying to find a bridge going across so we could stop at Scott AFB .. Mom had other plans.. They had came across on a ferry and she had no intention of going back on one.
MOM RULES.!.. so we had to drive up and back across into East St. Louis.. highways weren’t as good then.. not like ‘interstates’ these days.. We were below Chicago a ways into Indiana.. went up and caught a Turnpike.that ran into Ohio and across it.. We went back to Mo pretty much the way we drove home.. Anyway it was good to be home after all.. In just a few short months I’d go back.. We had a khaki Uniform like the AF It was long sleeve too.. We got to start wearing it in March on the 15th..
I had brought my Khakis home.. Mom did a good job of getting the other Chevrons off without messing the shirt .. I was 5’6-1/2 tall.. thankfully it was from the waist-up I grew.. not the trunk from legs down to feet.. My shirt was a bit big when i got it.. it fit better when going back..
It was first Sunday home and I thought we were gonna go to The State Park early and have breakfast cooking on a park setup.. No.. it was going to rain at noon. “ what that got to do with anything?” I went had a couple pancakes and ham.. went back inmy room and mom got a “little boy Sunday church outfit laid out.. That must be for... ‘cuse me... not wearing no “little boy “ Sunday outfit ! ~>(what I said to myself..) well.. it was almost 80•F and it was only 0730 hrs.. that almost Sunday morn’g. I got out my fresh-pressed Summer khakis with the blue tie and Flight cover. (Army called them garrison hats). So I got that outfit on and went out front in the living room
Mom was NOT impressed.... “your grandma bought that for your B’day!” “Well.. she can take it back, I never even tried it on.!”
I went out side on the lawn chair ..
I looked up and seen the rain clouds and went back and got my service cover, rain cover and raincoat.. it had cooled a few degrees... The clouds just hovered.. we got a few drops and they moved eastward toward Detroit.. . Good, they can have them ! ... Time came and we went to church.., It was a quiet ride.. Dad was the only one who said anything. “ I think it looks on you “. He didn’t get no further.... mom put her finger to her lips and shook her head no(remember: MOM RULES)... I got inside, taking my cover off as I entered. We went to our pew and I stood aside as they went in and genuflecting upon entering. Grandpa and Grandpa across the aisle .. Afterward to their house for dinner..
They only lived a few blocks from town .. a couple cousins and I went to town and seen a cowboy movie..
Maybe a Allen Ladd, movie.. After we got out of there.. A couple kids I knew (and didn’t particularly care about from the neighborhood I used to live in were there.. Hoping they would not notice(geez, how could they miss me standing there in my uniform? At first I thought they would... I really did !.. They went over to the A&P store.. prob’ly to see what they could 5 finger out w/o paying.. frigging maggots !
One of my cousins asked what was I thinking ... “do you really want to
Know!” I answered “You’re not even giving them a presumption of innocense on a Sunday?” “NO! Why should I?” “It’s the law...”
“And?” “It’s Sunday, I think even the Lord would want you to do that!” He said.. I didn’t comment..
if I couldn’t what I thought I’d like to.. I’ll keep it to myself !... No...
I got to ... “I can’t give the presumption he’s innocent, when I’m sure, he’s gonna steal a candy bar, maybe 2..”. There I said it and I feel better for it. If you can’t be honest with yourself .... Well these guys lived a few blocks over from our place.. They’d just moved there in April ‘64.. I thought I was rid of that vermin.. I was at a market by where we used to live and I’d seen them same kids go in.. I knew what they were up to.. and remarked to
a woman waiting on a taxi that them little vermin going to load their pockets with candy.. and run out of there.. like rats off a sinking ship..
“My but you have a filthy mouth!”
“I didn’t say no filthy words, I called them vermin and rats like they are..!” “They are human beings, innocent until proven guilty!” She said.. hmm where would I hear that again? I said to Myself... them brats were thieves, once a scoundrel... well you all know the rest.. some may disagree.. maybe redemption Somewhere.. I didn’t think of that later.. I didn’t think of it much in cathecism .. not in the early stages.. We’d covered it..I just wasn’t that convinced.. I surmised reading of it wasn’t enough .. then. Even having to write about it a 100 times(not in cathecism, at home.. I was doing my cathecism homework and expressed doubt to my mom.. that was as good as blasphemy against the sacrament.. it’s a cathecism book, not the Bible.. “wait until your dad gets home!” I heard that three times that day.. He got home.. he was tired.. I told him..
“If that’s what you believe, but you best think about it!”... he showered and went to bed... I’d beaten getting a spanking.. I thought she was gonna tan my hide for a minute there that day.. At the end of summer I was back at the school and one of the brothers approached me and said we needed to talk.. I didn’t know what about and waited on him .. Sure enough Mom had talked to one of them and how the summer before..
I had expressed doubt in the redemption of a fellow human.
From having been a being good.. I wasn’t talking about the catholic missal or cathecism, Chaplain. But some kids I knew at school before here.. Bad news Chaplain.. And I explained I had been with my cousins to see a movie and came across kids from my old school and how they went in the store and stole candy On a dare
My cousin said I had to give them the presumption of innocense, So how camo do that when I know they’re gonna steal.. I got the usual lecture how a LEO has to give a thief that presumption until a court proves them guilty.. them just having it is not actual has to be proven.. I know i’m Not the Lord or the Law, bit in my mind they’re gonna come out of that store off a shelf with s’thing they didn’t pay for.. So... will several our father, a few act of contritions, about 3 Hail Marys and a few. Stations of the cross convince?.....
I didn’t say no, I might double them ! So .. the next few years went by my “T” for TSGT kinda got slowed down for a couple cycles.. way I figured I was about where I should be if I had just started last year in August.. I talked to the Advisor and He said I was prob’ly right.. Remember the ol’. ‘Don’t ask a question you don’t already know the answer to.” Maybe that’s one I knew the answer to... Anyway I earned the MSGT after that and earned the diamond to go with it..
I had been notified I earned a scholarship for a 3rd year, Mom said I need to return Home, my siblings were lonely for me so I could not a accept the free scholarship.. they seen my final exam grades and satisfied of the final results So I had to go back to a civilian school with a bunch of delinquents.. So fall of ‘66 back to a civilian school.... not going to be fun, unless I can make it so.. we had a book of tricks I’d be taking back .. I couldn’t wait until that fall when I can try a few out..
Well.. first summer came.. I got lined up with Civil Air Patrol Squadron.. this ought to be fun.. first few weeks were open collarwhiteshirt, and a nametag they got made by a guy in the group had a bunch of Civil Air Patrol blanks. He got the manufacturer address and ordered a case.. 500
Nametags.. I got some new Uniforms at Selfridge ANGB.. They still had the 1505 shade khakis then
I got a set of the class As a few weeks later.. I wasn’t wearing no 2ds.. I got to liking it.. I got the books and blew through the cycles pretty quick . Of course as I went along they got a little tougher not much.. We kinda got topheavy.. We had 6 Cadet MSGTs running around We had c/SSGTs as Squad
Leaders.. and as a guidon bearer.. I
Stayed C/1SGT A couple cycles And then they added Cadet W.O.s.. I was one of the lucky ones to skip
C/W.O. Then I heard and later it was confirmed AFJROTC was getting started at the High School.. One of the JR Highs had their 9th graders at the H.S. Because the other JR.High was too small .. So was mine to bring any more over.. I lucked out not having to share a locker, my luck I get a guy that got fleas from his dog..I was able with s’body at board of Ed to effect a transfer to The Jr High whose ninth graders were at the H.S.. they were allowed to join the JROTC.. that’s What I wanted.. I dug out my portfolio from that academy. I made some phone calls and they made some calls on my behalf and those prople made calls on my behalf. and I was able to start as a
C/SSGT.. There were some that were not cool with that idea.. I wasn’t getting much cooperation from fellow Cadets that were only C/Amn and C/A1C. Some of the mommies were not happy their baby got passed over by another 9th grader that transfers in as a C/SSGT.. s’thing wrong Wayne, Mi.
So the Cmdt holds a meeting with those parents and has some help to do calm them.. it took3 hrs. They even got to seen my 201 File.. The Cmdt said they were impressed.. they wanted to know if I could be slowed down so their babies could catch up.. As long as he does his exams and passes and follows the rules he gets promoted.. Cmdt didn’t mention gigs because he thought their children would make them aware. I already had Class As and Shade 1505summer Uniforms which I could start wearing April 15 accord’g to Nat’l
AFJROTC Regulations. I had to go to the chevrons the public school AFJROTC wore., not a prob.. Like said earlier Mom was good getting the others off.. I had the new regular AF Blues for that era. I had bought for Civil Air Patrol.. I took those off and those AFJROTC chevrons went on.( no hand me downs either, some don’t sew good and they looked like s’one doesn’t know how to sew did them.. i went through some of those lint combs getting lint off.. I see some guy or gal getting their brush or comb out, I get as far as I can away.. I was talking to s’one and seen a gal getting her brush out and I said let’s move over here.. why they asked and I showed them she had her brush out.. and they said I was being rude.. I just got my uniform
From the cleaners, I don’t need to clean it again ! They said I was being facetious, it’s only a uniform!
We had a Regional Military Ball coming up.. I was going out to Selfridge and get the AF Mess dress and it came down the Cadets had to wear the class A with white shirt and bow tie. I can play this game.. it was my 10th going into 11th grade year.. (I had my plan for next spring.. that will come after..)
Four of us raided our accounts , got a Senior Advisor who happened to. Not be returning next Academic year.. got tired of the “Mickey mouse B.S. ....part was the Cadet officers having to wear the Class A with bow tie. It was wasn’t Senior Staff it was some parents of lower ranking cadets and they didn’t think it fair they Cadet officers wwren’t In solidarity with the JR cadets and wearing the class As with bow ties..
A few of the C/MSGTs were in the circle too with us.. but the JR cadets didn’t know that.. Since we couldn’t wear the mess dress we did the next best thing we did it early enough.. that Senior Advisor did us up letter orders to authorize us to purchase Class A UniForm and service cover and Flight cap(they all got to match.. we knew we only needed the jacket and trousers but for later we needed the covers so they fade together.). So we bought the uniforms and an extra pair trousers
And a couple blue dress shirts and ties too . We spent the whole day at Selfridge .. We took the one guy’s mom’s station wagon. Where you guys going she asked... Selfridge we all said .. “Well I better drive !” That was fine, buddy’s dad is Retired Navy and mom has a dependent card and so does buddy.. His Dad’’s a retired C.W.O...
So mom took us, we got what we needed , Buddy’s Mom took us to the O’club for lunch.. they had a big buffet with Steamship Rd.. Medium Rare for me please! 4 more mediums we got all our other goodies being Cadet officers and a couple Sr C/NCOs we knew how the protocol went and behaved accordingly.. We thanked them for the fabulous buffet and we each left a couple bills in the Kitty .. yes.. they were impressed. Their Mgr asked who we were and bud’s mom interceded how we were all in JROTC and had come down to get uniforms and that was it.. tell to much and they get nosy.. So one of us showed him our letter order to get uniforms. He wrote something off it and that Cadet got the letter order back.. So we went to bud’s home.. Mom and his sis worked to get the trousers done and a little touch up press’g.. put the stripe around the sleeve.. for the Cadet officers anyway.. We checked ourselves out... bud’s dad checked us too .. “I’m impressed Gentle -
men.. I seen the b.s. request by Whiney parents.. I’ll be at your.ball in My Mess Dress.. and Bud’s mom of course.. and who’s your date Bud, that filly in your English writing class.. hmm? That was a sharp trick you pulled getting them polyester Class As. You’ll look as good as those guys in their Mess dress !.. That Sr. Advisor decided he had a emergency family sitrep come up.. if he could get there later he’d try. Well.. we all showed up and the Junior Cadets jaws dropped to the floor.. we had no female Cadets yet.. They might of been authorized but we just fidn’t Have them yet.. Some parents who were chaperones jaws dropped to the floor.. they didn’t know what to say. . The Commandant gave us the thumbs up with both hands. As did our Sr Advisors.. We had a few parents who were (just) retired AF and one of them a CMSGT did wear a Mess dress.. so I surmised he didn’t complain.. we found the real reason wasn’t jealousy but cost.. sure the Mess dress could have been rented, it was the altering . Setting up for shoulder boards for cadet officers was not a prob.. . The pointed end would have snapped on. An adjustment made to the broad end underside would have to be afixed maybe. Bud’s mom used hook n loop fasteners(Velcro) for us Cadet officers which I was by then..
a couple asked about getting our uniforms ready. Bud’s Mom said her and Liz, bud’s Older Sis did all the altering. We got hold of the Advisor who did our orders and put “for the Commandant” and he signed them.. Well the Clothing Sales guy who wsn’f A senior clerk just took the orders at face value and didn’t Vet the Sr advisor’s signature (his authorization was in the Clothing sales Mgt’ the clerk didn’t have access. So he didn’t get in trouble. .
So that next fall and into Spring I and the Other Cadet officers wore those Polyester Blues. We visited a couple other schools when our’s had to play a few games on Saturday because that school had fight probs at night games.. so we visited some of the high schools in another conference that had JROTC
Their uniforms were no new. It looked like we were rubbing their faces in our uniforms.. We visited but kept mum.. all we heard was “damn. did you see their uniforms ?”.. We did get invited to stay for the after game dance.. The Schools we visited were mixed.. caucasians, blacks, some P.R.s..
One guy, Not a JROTC type, you could see by the haircut.. looked out of the bush league... Hecome over and gave some BS about F’g with his girl .. I coulda said s’thing but wasn’t going to lower myself to his level.. looking at the byproducts he was wearing.. not e’body can cloth themself like J.W. Banks clothiers.. Another of their cadets stepped between us One of their other cadets Stepped between us.. “I thin we need to make our departure Cadets.. forthwith .. We said our goodbyes and got gone..
We went back to our town (not Tecumseh, that was in my later years)... We stopped by the Diner , it was 2230.. we went in.. “Sorry guys, curfew in half hour! Cops’ll be here and run y’all out., So we went through a drive through and got a six pack of cokes.. as soon as we pulled out.. the read bubblegum light came on. We hadn’t even opened them, so there’d be no trouble there.. you know what time it is fellas? .. it’s 10 minutes to 11 .. curfew time ! So Zi drove them all home and just got in my drive, 5 after 11.... and here he is.. and his red bubble light.. I had my cards out.. license, insurance proof, registration.. and Cadet I.D.
Card... he shined his light on them and in my face.. You know why I stopped you.. hmmm... oh it’s 5 after curfew time, oh my where has the time gone ? .. Your right he said., if you was one of them juvvies, I’d lock yer arse up.. well, I’m home! He looked at my license again.. yeah you are , have a good night, better get inside ! And that’s wheee I got pronto !
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
5 y
That was a percentage of them, not all... I was born in ‘53... from when I was really little/young ... to make use of. Resources... take care of them. We didn’t run to the store
E’time to get a loaf of bread.. mom made bread, and tortillas when it was time for them. I waa making that pita bread before I even knew it was called that. Get a small ball dough flatten a little then used mom’s rolling pin when she had to go tend to little brother. It wasn’t a perfect pita.. you look at a package..
none are perfect.. I was at a big box store recently that had a grocery DEPT. I seen what they called pita bread... they looked like they came out of a machine ... tasted that way too. Didn’t buy again.. back to a bag of imperfect ones .. better taste too.. those cream filled chocolate
Cakes? We had a Used burger bun pan my dad brought home that was bent. The bakery let him have
It. It just fit with not much to spare..
made cake buns .. some home made whipped cream from heavy cream we brought home from our cousin’s farm.. plopped some whipped cream in middle and another chocolate wafer on top. Those were awesome.. better than store stuff.. we did like going to bakery occasionally .. those bags were great after the bread was gone.
We recycled it.. Mom recycled pop bottles too.. dad got a bag of new bottle tops from a friend . mom did a
Fruit beverage Wasn’t carbonated
But flavorful... we started adding a little Canada Dry ginger ale to each bottle. We made it for us.. not to sell.. didn’t see no copyright damage ... I liked the pint milk bottles .. could hold more homemade beverage.. hey! Remember chocolate pop? We bought a couple pint bottles of.chocolate Milk on a picnic
And a bottle of cola pour some in a baby bottle For baby brother so he wouldn’t be left out.. And we had chocolate pop .. we did it before it came on the market.. by then it was mid 60s... Our cousins in Ohio would butcher a hog or cow and their butcher made some bologna sausage too from scrap ends ground together.. so we all beef bologna some times .. same with a hog that got butchered .. We knew what we got. Shelf life was short.. no artificial bisulfatea, MSG., so thd sausages we got were not big.. prob’ly just enough.. of the crusts on a loaf of bread were both good.. I made a sandwich with that.. And Mayonaise ! even I knew how to make it .. Mom had to be there because of the electric mixer ..
egg yolks, salad oil, mustard powder
A little salt, sugar would make enough so a jar was left over after making potato salad .. it went fast.. those eggs we got from the cousins.. so our trips were not just fun but productive.. along with vegetables we brought home .. So only a part of baby boomer were wasteful.. some are resourceful and knew how to save also..
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1LT Aaron Barr
Not really; we've been converting schools from places where children are taught how to think to maoist indoctrination camps where they're told what to believe for the last 50 years and dumbing them down in the process. The Founders were right; eternal vigilance is the price of freedom and that's just one of many duties we haven't been fulfilling.
SGT UH-60 Helicopter Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
you are exactly right. throughout history, each generation is dumber than the one it replaces. that trend has been on a landslide rate in the US for a long time now. we are already seeing some of orwells "1984" implemented in our culture.. we are already experiencing language modification and there have been things altered in textbooks.
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CW3 Operations Officer
I'm not sure millennials are traditional socialist, but I think they realize something about the world is changing. Millennials, I believe more than other generations, especially boomers, realize that technology is eating everything. Technology will continue to replace low skilled jobs, it will make it even easier for a business to manufacture overseas or just go straight robotic, it will allow a small group of people to achieve incredible productivity levels by harnessing technology.

Uber is the most profitable per employee company in the world. This is the case for two reasons: 1) Uber has good technology and uses a phone to do what a taxi call center used to do. 2) Uber drivers are contractors or free lance hires and not full time employees. Accenture published a report, posted by an RP member, showing an increasing trend in free lance work and decentralized work places over the next decade. All of the data points to fewer and fewer full time jobs in America for low skilled workers.

Now ask the question: what does America do with hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions who have no skills to gain employment in a high tech society? Do they starve? Do they die because the don't have health care? I'm not a socialist but I also believe we have a real problem emerging in our country as technology continues to proliferate and replace jobs previously done by people, and I think millennials understand, or at least feel this. They accept the fact that driverless cars are going to take them to work in their lifetime, and drones will deliver their packages, and robots will be their waiter...and they are all these people doing these jobs now going to eat?
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Uber, an excellent example of capitalism at work. Thank you
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