Posted on Feb 10, 2016
How can I form a partnership between my University and the French Military Academy?
I am looking into creating a partnership between my university and the French Military Academy to study there for one semester. It's usually reserved for USMA Cadets but it would be interesting with my background.
I am working with my cadre but we are in the dark for that one.
Does anyone know where to start?
Does anyone have a POC?
Edited for clarity and better context.
I am working with my cadre but we are in the dark for that one.
Does anyone know where to start?
Does anyone have a POC?
Edited for clarity and better context.
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 7
Step back and discuss with your cadre. Research existing exchanges between Cadet Command and partner nations; many of these are documented within the Army Campaign Support Plan (ACSP). Exchanges like the one you speak of must be nested within the appropriate OSD authority and executed by organizations authorized to negotiate with ministries of defense. USMA has utilized these resources to establish their exchange programs. Get your cadre involved.
1LT (Join to see)
Thank you for your answer. It might not sound like I have my cadre involved, but I really do. I was just trying to compress as much information under the required text length. The physical constraint for this kind of posts doesn't let me elaborate too much.
We were actually looking at how we could get a first step in the process, and you just gave it to us. I am certainly not trying to go "full Rambo" on that one.
Thank you.
Thank you for your answer. It might not sound like I have my cadre involved, but I really do. I was just trying to compress as much information under the required text length. The physical constraint for this kind of posts doesn't let me elaborate too much.
We were actually looking at how we could get a first step in the process, and you just gave it to us. I am certainly not trying to go "full Rambo" on that one.
Thank you.
If your school and Cadet Command are truly interested in such an exchange, Cadet Command (maybe with you and your chain of command cc'd) should contact the US Army TRADOC Liaison Officer in France, Maj Pongpat "Deck" Piluek. He's just arriving to France, but this is exactly the type of thing that TRADOC LNOs work on, with their counterparts from the in-country DAO and ODC, and with the ASCC Security Cooperation Directorate, ASCC Desk Officer, HQDA Desk Officer, and HQDA primary offices for this sort of thing. The process most likely would go through USAREUR and HQDA, and from what I understand, generally takes a long time. This would fall perhaps under Schools of Other Nations (AR 350-1, paragraph 3-45), but there may be other authorities for Cadet Command for one-semester exchange type programs.
LTC (Join to see)
DA PAM 11-31 page 30:
Table 6–11
Cadet Culture and Language Immersion Deployments
Title: Cadet Culture and Language Immersion Deployments
Summary: Per the Army Culture and Foreign Language Strategy, the U.S. Army Cadet Command develops and implements pre-commissioning
study abroad and summer cadet language and culture immersion training deployments by deploying senior Reserve Officers’
Training Corps cadets to strategic overseas regions for the purpose of culture and language immersion in support of Department of the
Army and ASCC SC strategies and objectives.
Geographic restrictions: N/A
Executing forces: U.S. Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps cadets and other
Partner nation agencies: defense
Funding authority: 10 USC
Funding source: National funds in accordance with AR 145–1
Management decision package: Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Scholarships and Senior ROTC
Tasks: provide training, provide education, conduct mil-to-mil activity, exchange personnel
Purpose: interoperability and peacekeeping
Security cooperation focus area: operational capacity building, human capacity/human capability development, international suasion &
collaboration, operational access/global freedom of action
Contact information:
Army command: TRADOC
Directorate: U.S. Army Cadet Command
Program office: DCS, G–3/5/7 (Cultural Understanding Language Program)
Phone number: 502–624–5404
Table 6–11
Cadet Culture and Language Immersion Deployments
Title: Cadet Culture and Language Immersion Deployments
Summary: Per the Army Culture and Foreign Language Strategy, the U.S. Army Cadet Command develops and implements pre-commissioning
study abroad and summer cadet language and culture immersion training deployments by deploying senior Reserve Officers’
Training Corps cadets to strategic overseas regions for the purpose of culture and language immersion in support of Department of the
Army and ASCC SC strategies and objectives.
Geographic restrictions: N/A
Executing forces: U.S. Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps cadets and other
Partner nation agencies: defense
Funding authority: 10 USC
Funding source: National funds in accordance with AR 145–1
Management decision package: Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Scholarships and Senior ROTC
Tasks: provide training, provide education, conduct mil-to-mil activity, exchange personnel
Purpose: interoperability and peacekeeping
Security cooperation focus area: operational capacity building, human capacity/human capability development, international suasion &
collaboration, operational access/global freedom of action
Contact information:
Army command: TRADOC
Directorate: U.S. Army Cadet Command
Program office: DCS, G–3/5/7 (Cultural Understanding Language Program)
Phone number: 502–624–5404
1LT (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) - Sir,
Thank you for your help. I just talked to my cadre and they are going to try to make it happen. They think it could be a great opportunity.
Thank you for your help. I just talked to my cadre and they are going to try to make it happen. They think it could be a great opportunity.
If it's something the USMA does with regularity, I'd think your best bet for good information would be to contact the USMA and get their take on it. I'm sure they have a dedicated staff member for such things. It sounds like a great experience if you can pull it off; good luck.
1LT (Join to see)
Thank you Sir, I will indeed get in touch with them to understand how it could be done.
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