Posted on Feb 2, 2016
CW2 Sudhir Shrestha
Please provide your feedback based on your experience. Thank you.
Posted in these groups: Enlisted AideOfficers logo General Officers
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 4
MSG(P) Food Service Specialist
It's a great experience if your looking to enhance your career. I served as an Enlisted Aide off/on since 2008. I've had great experiences with all of the Generals I've worked for. It's a very demanding job depending on the General or position of the General. If you look at my profile you'll see some of the places I've been. I'm a Culinary Professional so it was very easy for me. [login to see] for more info.
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CPT Mark Gonzalez
I would tell anyone considering working for a GO regardless of the exact position to only do it if you know the GO and their personality. It can be absolutely incredible or terrible and you can easily be fired. In my opinion it is not worth the possible downside unless you know them as a person.
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COL Strategic Plans Chief
I obviously have not, but I have worked with quite a few and can provide my observations of the position and the work environment if you're interested. Not going to get first hand experience from me though. Are you going to be starting with someone or are you looking at interviewing?
LTC Professor Of Military Science / Department Chair
LTC (Join to see)
9 y
COL (Join to see) - Sir, I believe CW2 Sudhir Shrestha is referring to this article:

The article itself says once the enlisted personnel (SGT to MSG) are selected, they are placed in the Enlisted Aide Personnel Management Ready Pool, managed by the Quartermaster Corps career management branch of HRC’s enlisted directorate - and can be selected for assignment as an enlisted aide to a general officer in the ranks of major general through four-star general at the tactical, operational or strategic level.
COL Strategic Plans Chief
COL (Join to see)
9 y
That's a pretty good summary of the stuff that I have seen the guys I put in those positions doing. Looks like they have formalized the system or I was unaware of it...or we went around the system. Either way, let's assume you end up as an enlisted aide to a MG. The list in the Army Times is pretty accurate. The ADC (officer) has become almost like an "EXEC." He is managing the calendar and helping the boss keep time. He is working with the SGS to deconflict schedules, travels with the boss on trips and takes notes in meetings when necessary. If he has an enlisted aide, they get handed the gopher tasks that ADC's would do if they didn't have one. Uniforms, house maintenance, clerical work, assisting with social events (you will likely be a server at every social function the GO has). Then you will have additional duties for the SGS depending on the jobs you are performing for the ADC and the GO. It adds up to a lot of busy work, but it is varied in its nature and lets you see things you normally wouldn't.
SFC Instructor, Enlisted Aide Training Course
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
CW2 Sudhir Shrestha If you are up for the challenge, I would HIGHLY recommend it! It is a very rewarding and challenging assignment. COL (Join to see) did hit some good points but was way off on others. We (as Enlisted Aides) work directly for the boss. We have a set and described duties and responsibilities as outlined in our Enlisted Aide handbook and also DoDI 1315.09. We have MANY responsibilities when supporting that General/Flag Officer, but "gopher tasks" from the ADC, SGS, or XO isn't one of them. You DO need to have a "collaborative" relationship with the command group team, but you don't work for them in that capacity by any means. That is the wrong answer.
You are in fact the "Household Manager" for that GO/FO. POC for that assigned Historic Quarters to include , Subsistence (daily food requirements and entertaining), Uniform Maintenance, Office Calls, the list goes on and on.
I've served for 3 GO's in a 7 year span and am currently the instructor for the EA Course. So I have a "bit" of experience. I loved every minute of it. Worked for 3 great GO's and worked with 3 great spouses and command teams. I was fortunate. I can answer any further or deeper questions you have.
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COL Strategic Plans Chief
COL (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks for catching my errors SFC (Join to see). As I said up front, I could only speak from my observations.
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