Posted on May 14, 2014
Lower ranking SMs being placed in charge of more senior SMs
What are your thought on junior ranking individuals being placed in charge of those more senior to them?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 25
I'm all-in for the right person for the job, regardless of rank. I've seen (and backed up) a junior Soldier several times if they were the right person for the job. I encourage this development style, and believe it creates healthy competition. If you are senior and don't want to step up and perform, then stand to the left and I will empower a subordinate, AND I will ensure that subordinate is recognized accordingly.
If it is because of the demonstrated leadership potential of that junior leader and the lack thereof from the more senior of the two, then absolutely!
If it is because someone is hooking up their boy, then heck no!
I was a newly promoted SFC when I became a company 1SG. I had two Sergeants First Class that outranked me by at least three years (time in grade) in my company. There was justification in the decision, trust me.
If it is because someone is hooking up their boy, then heck no!
I was a newly promoted SFC when I became a company 1SG. I had two Sergeants First Class that outranked me by at least three years (time in grade) in my company. There was justification in the decision, trust me.
I have seen it and I have been that junior officer in charge a few times. I think it has merit and shows extreme confidence in the junior officer. However, it also shows lack of confidence in the senior officers. Does it every show up in their evaluation though? How do we keep getting those officers promoted? It is depressing at times to see these senior officers make promotion lists when you were in charge of them for a period of time.
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