Posted on May 14, 2014
COL Senior Account Executive
As leaders we are expected to do a considerable amount of work in between Battle Assemblies. What amount of time do you spend? How much time is reasonable to expect that your subordinates spend? How often do you expect them to check their enterprise email?
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Responses: 9
COL Senior Account Executive
As a Battalion Commander, it's literally like a second full time job. I can honestly say that I do work EVERY single weekday, things like signing approvals, etc. I expect my Commanders to check their email daily or every other day or so. I would expect their troops to check it weekly at a minimum. What about you???
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COL Vincent Stoneking
MAJ Rahman,
This is a very relevant question. And one that I am in the process or recalibrating my attitude towards.

Over the last two years in BN CMD (rotated out beginning of May), you got it exactly right - it was a second full time job. During the 1st year, I think I literally put in 40+ hours a week (4+ hours every weekday, most of most weekends). During the second year, I got the hang of it and maintained at around 20-25 hours a week, getting less over time. Over the last month or so, I've had so much time I haven't known what to do with it.

I drive down to my new unit tomorrow (all freaking day....) and have my first BTA back in the land of staff. But its a somewhat operational unit, so I don't know the battle rhythm yet. I'd be surprised if it was less than 10 hours. 10 hours is my goal - an hour day in the morning/PM and then half a weekend day.

Of course, I will also be doing AWC in my spare time....

I think 5+ hours a week is the absolute minimum for anyone in a leadership role, with at least daily checks of enterprise email. Anything less and you lose situational awareness. For others I would say check email at least every 2-3 days.
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
We had bi-monthly staff calls and were usually there the Tue prior to drill for pre-ex checks. After a while though, especially after deployment orders were in hand, it was like "for the flag" became an actual pay status
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