Posted on Jan 26, 2016
Has any Gulf War Veteran ever received a Silver Persian Gulf Veterans National Medal?
Responses: 54
1SG Jeffrey Eades
I'm just now reading about this on June 6th, 2019...for the first time myself!
1st Sgt. Eades 81-01 US Army AD, US Active Army Reserves AAR, Gulf War Veteran combat Arms unit...M-1 tanks and BCT training as Army Drill Sgt. called up for 365 days AD. Would like to learn more! As someone stated, not necessarily for me! But, my two sons could enjoy this awarded Coin, never awarded.... Ha, God Bless you all for serving! My family and I thank each and everyone of you and your families for your willingness to stand up during our country's call to service for the Gulf War innacted by the US Congress and President Bush!
1st Sgt. Eades 81-01 US Army AD, US Active Army Reserves AAR, Gulf War Veteran combat Arms unit...M-1 tanks and BCT training as Army Drill Sgt. called up for 365 days AD. Would like to learn more! As someone stated, not necessarily for me! But, my two sons could enjoy this awarded Coin, never awarded.... Ha, God Bless you all for serving! My family and I thank each and everyone of you and your families for your willingness to stand up during our country's call to service for the Gulf War innacted by the US Congress and President Bush!
SPC Teckla Wattman
It is now 2025 in Feb and I’m seeing this post for first time myself and I too have never heard about this. Time marches on.
Could be, from this picture you posted, that they didn't sell enough of the bronze ones to pay for the silver ones. Doing some quick research on it now. [login to see] [login to see]
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SSG John Bacon
I contacted the Mint they told me that the Silver versions had been fully funded and were created and distributed to units.
I never heard of it until now, I'm pretty sure they were sold, not given away. See them on E bay for 10-20 bucks.
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